Anyone know effective treatment for clogged ears

Posted By Nettle (London, Uk) on 06/30/2011

Can anyone suggest an effective remedy for both my ears to pop or open so that my hearing goes back to normal as finding the closed up /pulsating and heart beat sensation very disorientating. I am taking a flight in a couple of days and apprehensive that the dreaded ear pain may return. Tried hydrogen peroxide drops, warm olive oil/garlic drops into both ears but did not work. Inhalations with eucalyptus help with clearing sinuses but not with popping. Taking pulsitilla 30c today. Cayenne and Apple Cider Vinegar has cleared other ailments.

Replied by Linda (Atlanta, Ga) on 07/02/2011

Last time I flew I used Euphorbium nasal spray (=homoeopathic nasal spray) according to the recommendation of my ENT and it worked great. I wonder if a saline nasal spray or any other nasal spray would work as well.

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