Any ulcerative colitis remedies with liver transplant

Posted By Anonymous (Gothenburg, Sweden) on 10/24/2012

Hello, Is there any way possible to follow the recommendations for Ulcerative Colitis if I am liver transplantated and needs immuno suppresive medication to survive?

Becouse every treatment I fount to fight mycobacterium is to trigger a stronger immune system, what is hard to do in my situation due to my medication that do the opposite. I have had this problems with UC and PSC all my life.

The only thing that has worked earlier is antibiotics, for example metronidazol (Flagyl) that has gived me a normal life for over ten years, now it don ´t work anymore for some reason. That is why I espect mycobacterium is involved here.

I am low in blood value (anemia), high liver values, low in iron, magnesium, and so on...

Thank you for any answer. I could continue in more details I necessary.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/25/2012

Anonymous from Gothenburg: First, it seems like you are terribly nutrient deficient so here's three foods that will bring restoration to your depleted condition: 1. Bee Pollen. B.P. Is the single most nutrient dense food on the planet. 2. Eat an adult serving of cooked liver at least once a week until your anemia is done, then eat liver at least once a month. 3. Take one or two spoons of Blackstrap Molasses daily. Also take a good multivitamin/mineral supplement w/ every meal.

As for herbs and immunity, there are two categories. One are herbs that boost immunity (that you have noted a warning of). Herbs like Echinacea, Astragalus, as well as medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Mitaki, Shitaki. Second category are herbs that DO NOT specifically stimulate immunity, but rather have direct antimicrobial action against many types of pathogens. Herbs like Olive Leaf, Grapefruit seed, Oregano, Garlic, are in this category and should not interfere w/ your medication.

Another natural antibiotic that has direct anti-pathogenic ability and does not stimulate immunity is Colloidal Silver.


Replied by Waysaystuff (Motown, Ca/ Usa) on 10/25/2012

Dear Anonymous in Sweden, While I cannot say for certain, perhaps lactoferrin, made from colostrum, could help draw excess iron from the liver, which it holds onto when under illness and stress, and place it back into your blood. Broken cell wall chlorella provides iron and is cleansing of blood. The liver stores iron, but it can have oxidative damage. Most people have excess iron, but it is all locked-up in the liver.

As far as taking antibiotics in this situation, which can lose effectiveness over time and over-use, have you considered collodial silver solution? It is a non-adaptogenic, meaning the body does not develop resistance to it. Ask your treating physician first, in your situation, as it matters more to make the right moves.

As far as the immunosuppressants you are taking, what are these for? A new liver? I can only suggest asking your doctor about taking imminomodulators additionally. There are many food-sourced ones, too. --T.


Replied by Wayfinder (Motown, Ca/ Usa) on 10/25/2012

I see now.. New liver! Wanted to add a quote:

"The [aloe vera] polymannan molecule... acts to orchestrate [upgrade and downgrade] the immune modulation process. It enhances the host defense [the body] against a broad array of biological immune assaults, including allergy and hypersensitivity, auto-immune [self-fighting] diseases, wound healing, induction of necrosis in malignant tumors and micro viral and bacterial infections."

This sounds like something potentially very helpful-- to discuss with your doctor. --T.


Replied by Bk44ff (Ghotenburg, Sweden) on 10/30/2012

Wow, thanks for the great responses.

Timh: Eating liver is new, didn't know that, thanks. What I don´t understand is why it might help. It is high in iron and you mean the body can easily use that? As what I understand is that the body has enough iron but is bound and built up in the liver. I know HB/iron levels is low. I am familiar with most of the herbs you referred to but the two immuno groups was new to me.

Waysaystuff: Collodial silver does not work in the way that antibiotic does. Maybe it is good in combination with other supplements?

I have read what Ted has written about UC but it is to much information and the supplements involved is to complex.

For UC: Glutamine, Lysine, Vitamine B, D, betaine, Humic Acid, Aloe Vera oil, DMSO, Lugols Iodine, Cinnamon, alkalization, h2o2 and so on...

For liver (PSC): This is much harder because I have no clue how PCS is connected to UC, but I know it is. Maybe Mycobacteria is involved here too and that is the connection.

Something is clogging the bile ducts but what? Is it collesterol and calcium, then it probably will help with EDTA and Vitamin C? But there is also a lot of other helpfull supplements like Lecithin and Milk Thistle. Well, a little bit wierd but I think this is interesting.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/31/2012

Bk44ff: Looks quite complicated, so I would check w/ the Dr and make sure the transplant was 100% successful. If so, the case of blockage is called Cholestasis which is simply a fatty liver, cirrhotic liver, infected liver (as in hep), or dysfunctional gallbladder (most likely gallstones). Lots of good herbs to help open the liver bile ducts. Also drinking lemon water 2 or 3 times daily promotes the flow of bile. If gallstones are suspected do a gallbladder flush.

Vit-C greatly helps the mobilization of Iron in the liver. Vit-B12 helps build red blood cells (take sublingual form for best absorption).

If there is a problem of stagnant liver (Cholestasis) it goes to fallow there is an PH problem, so definitely do one of the buffering remedies here on E.C. Pathogens are common problem, try the Oregano Oil (if it's available to you), or try drinking H2O2 (see recommends here on E.C.) which can greatly improve digestion as well as oxygenate the body while killing pathogens.


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