Any natural remedies for vitiligo

Posted By Luckyalways (New York, USA) on 05/27/2009

natural remedies for vitiligo: hello i just stumbled upon your site and i want to know that is there any natural remedy for vitiligo my two sisters have it and the elder one is having it for 20 years since she was 6 years old she was given some steroids but since she was so young we stopped it we also applied some natural medicine i dont remember it was a brick like color paste but it cause blisters on her so we stopped treating her but now my 12 years old sister is also having the same condition so i wanted to know if there is any natural remedy for this i heard somewhere that cottonseed help or maybe black cumin seeds is this true please suggest some natural remedy for them thanks

Replied by Kenya (Peekskill, New York) on 05/29/2009

I used this to heal my daughter from vitiligo. Crush PABA and Vitamin C pills in a small amount of mayonaise and apply to affected area. It worked great (she only had a small area of white skin). I'm sorry but I can't remember the exact number of pills or exact amount of mayonaise because it was over 13 years ago but I got it from a book so the remedy is still out there.

Replied by Preet (New York, USA) on 06/04/2009

Hi I've read somewhere (there was this story by parents about how they healed their little girl), basically changed her diet (all natural foods, organic, fresh water, fresh air etc) along with vitamins and minerals. You can search online and you might find it. I tried but could not find it again.
All the best! Preet

Replied by Lou (Tyler, Tx) on 05/25/2010

The story is called Emily's vitiligo.

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