Any ideas about bad taste in mouth

Posted By Cat (Bop, Nz) on 08/22/2012

Any ideas what could be causing such a strange taste in my mouth? Mostly towards the back and roof. I don't think I've got tonsil stones and when talking to my husband about it last night, he didn't tell me I had bad breath so am pretty certain it's not coming from my throat, so it isn't a smell - just a taste I can't describe. Have just recently finished 6 appointments at the dentist to the tune of $1300 and my teeth are in pretty good condition. I oil pull Mon-Fri and really the only difference I can think is that I've changed my coconut oil. Will go back to the other one and see if it changes. Apart from that, any suggestions? I'd hate to live with this much longer, it's yuck!

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 08/22/2012

Hi Cat, My thought is that perhaps the coconut oil you are using is a better quality and is managing to detox you even deeper. I know when I do a detox in various forms (far infrared sauna, green juicing, etc. )about an hour after, my tongue has the worst taste and feel to it. I use a tongue scraper to solve the problem. Personally, I take it as a good sign that the detoxification is really working. I don't want that to stop! So, I scrape the muck off my tongue and it's fine. You can get tongue scrapers at the health food store. I keep one by my bathroom sink and one in my purse because when it happens, it's disgusting and I want to get rid of it asap! Hope this helps, Lisa

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