Any help for long term tinnitus

Posted By Tony (Lyttelton, Christchurch, New Zealand) on 10/09/2012

Hi, I have had tinnitus for about 6 mths, prob, longer but the Ringing/hissing sound get louder and less louder sometimes. I think it was from my days of Riding/Racing Motorcycles. This year I have had quite a lot of Vertigo attacks, a couple that took me to hospital throwing up convulsively. I have tried h202 but not a lot of luck with it as after I lay down to sleep it is back in the morning. Usually when I have sinus/hayfever etc, . I have had my ears cleaned (suction) seemed ok for few says. Tried ear candeling. (sadly waist of money) had Antibiotics. No success there. Yep drives me crazy too. Any help gratefully accepted.Cheers.

Replied by Connie (Slc, Utah, Usa) on 10/09/2012

Hi Tony; Tinnitus and Vertigo may be symptoms of B12 deficiency. Sublingual methylcobalamin given daily may help. It may take some months to heal, and continued supplementation long term may be necessary.

Sometimes, when beginning B12, there could be a strong stimulant reaction. Make sure your diet includes plenty of potassium and other minerals, such as zinc and copper, in good measure.


Replied by Sp (Wb, New Jersey, Usa) on 10/09/2012

Hi Tony, I've had tinnitus for years. I don't know what to do about it. A few years ago I had a full month of completely debilitating vertigo. I had to sit still and not move my head at all. It was something I would not wish on my worst enemy. So I saw an ENT. He told me that it was caused by a virus that there was no treatment for and I'd just have to wait it out. He also said that as it cleared up, there would be smaller bouts of it as it petered out. He said hormonal changes were one trigger and I found that every time I'd have my period I would have a little vertigo at the beginning. (I know that doesn't apply to you.)

He also told me how to stop vertigo once it started. You stare straight ahead and focus on one spot, like a crack on the wall, and do some deep breathing. By focusing both eyes on the same tiny spot ahead of you it brings back the balance in your head. (That's my description, not a clinical description. ) I do that when I get vertigo, and once the vertigo subsides I keep staring just a little longer. That gets rid of it immediately for me. I've shared this with other people who got hit with the virus and it helped them too. Good luck!


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