Questions About Antibiotics and Boric Acid Treatment for BV

Posted By Ula (Hewlett) on 08/14/2016

I had three Bacterial V this past year and a half. Some yeast infections as well. Last one is not going away. I tried oral antibiotics (metronizadole) and vaginal a few times as well as twice a week treatment with vaginal antibiotic (clindamycin). I am currently trying boric acid.

I bought boric acid capsules on Amazon and also made my own from Boric acid powder and 00 capsules. I find my own capsules more effective. I used Amazon bought for 10 days and had bread discharge. Started mid period. Then skipped one day, inserted vaginal probiotic and got symptoms of bacterial vaginosis following night. Restarted treatment 2 x a day for two days and now once a day. Has been on it for two weeks now my period came on and I continued treatment except one night because bleeding was too strong. I am afraid to discontinue after period ends for the fear of BV coming back.

Read a lot and I do take probiotics 2 or one a day and started olive leaf. I also started honey, apple vinegar water drink thinking it might help with PH and gut. I eat yogurt every day too.

Still not sure if I should do extra week of antibiotic treatment after boric acid treatment or not. From what I read it is great for maintaining good and bad flora in check. Just hope it cures BV as well.

Some have been using it for a long time without bad side effects. Hope I can just maintain it. I have no bad side effects from current treatment. No bleeding or much of burning.

Any helps or comments are appreciated.


Replied by Etm567 (New Jersey) on 10/23/2017

If it is bacterial, or even fungal, try oil of oregano. It saved my life when I had completely uncontrollable weight loss, like an AIDS patient wasting away, with unbelievable runs, eating thousands of calories a day. There was an infection all right, and the oil of oregano cleared it up. The infection was in my gut, though. Oil of oregano also will not cause Candidiasis, like regular antibiotics. Just be sure you get a good one. The good ones are expensive. It is hard to take. You have to dilute it a lot, but even then it's hard. So I put it in capsules. That's better than buying it in capsules. Good luck.
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