Where Can I Find Bill Thompson's Anti-Candida Protocol Daily Chart?

Posted By Robyn (Austin, Tx) on 02/22/2016

I have two questions regarding Candida:

1) Where can I find the daily intake chart from Bill Thompson, the revised newer one?


2) What can I substitute successfully for the salt and baking soda if I tend to retain sodium and get edema?




Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/23/2016

Hi Robyn..You can find the newer anti-candida protocol here.

Generally edema is either caused by a lack or imbalance of mineral nutrients through a poor diet or a kidney that is not so healthy. Usually, whenever I take sodium bicarbonate(which is quite often), I normally also have days where I add some potassium or I would take Ted's Carbicarb remedy which is here on EC. Another good alkailizer is baking soda + citric acid + potassium bicarbonate + water. See the section called "For those with sodium issues".

Ted from Bangkok has this to say about edema issues:

"Therefore, to solve edema, means avoiding rich oily foods, sweet foods, fat soluble supplements, fried foods, and do not eat high calorie food before sleep."

You can read the whole of Ted's post here.


Replied by Robyn (Austin, Tx) on 03/17/2016

Thank you, Bill. I did locate this one but I'm looking for the *chart* that I can tape on the inner door of my kitchen cabinet! You had one that was "Morning Protocol" and another "Afternoon & Evening Protocol." I love the details of this one but I'm looking for a condensed, updated chart and I have one, but my copier was printing blurry-ish and now I have a new copier and want to print again. I love the new revised chart! Thank you, Bill!


Replied by Adiri (Florida, Us) on 02/26/2016

Bill, is turpentine available in Philippines? Where would we find it. An orphanage over there needs to buy some.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/17/2016

Hi Robyn....The anti-candida protocol schedule that I think you are talking about is here. You should be able to download it from Google Docs without problems. Also be sure to take the gum turpentine as advised in the description.
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Replied by Robyn (Austin, Tx) on 03/18/2016


I have located the protocols I referred to in previous emails. They were in the book! I enlarged them on the copier to place inside my cabinetry and they're blurry from doing so. Apologize for confusion.

Questions for you as I will be following this diet very strictly this time. About what not to eat, you know how some sites say "this is okay" and others not. So, I'm confirming with you:

1. No dairy - even yogurt with live cultures? I am trying to understand why the good bacteria isn't good for us...

2. Is it okay to make my own pecan and/almond milk and have that? Is the coffee I'm using ok (non-traditional coffee--it's Cafe Brio, a bean from the cocao tree.) It has no added sugars, it smells good and I don't believe is moldy. Explain.

Are mushrooms okay if they are cooked? I realize they are a fungus but was wondering on those rare occasions with meat if it would be acceptable.

Finally, how do we know if we have biofilms? I hate the taste of the turpentine. But I also have breast implants and have read that biofilms like to adhere them.

I must be stirring things up inside because now I'm getting yeast/urinary tract infections I believe at the same time. Does this make sense?

So much appreciate your book and posts. Let me know please if there are any updated charts with your changes/additions to the book and where I might find them, if so.

Very warmly yours,



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