Alcoholic does not want to quit

Posted By Samuel (Auckland, New Zealand) on 07/26/2012

My husband is an alcoholic and he doesnt wanna go off alcohol. He drinks nearly everyday and on fridays he drinks alot and gets very drunk, that he doesnt even recall anything the next day. He doesnt want to consult the doctor or take any medications. He also has early stage of diabetics, high cholestrol and gout. I dont know what should I personally do to help him get off alcohol for good. I have never seen anyone drink so much. His drinking has started to affect me, I am not able to focus on anything else, whole day I keep thinking what to do to get him clean. I tried Apple Cider Vinegar but he doesnt like the taste and he stopped taking it. I bought H2O2 3% food grade but it says its poisonous and I am scared to give him that. Someone please help me on what should I do.

Replied by Cameron (Brisbane, Qld, Australia) on 07/27/2012

Try Oil Pulling. I found Sesame Oil to taste the best, Oil Pulling has a reputation for stopping smoking and all sorts of bad habits.

Also try to look at why he might drink, pressure, boredom or deppression are all common factors. I am sure he will not appreciate meddling or being interrogated but some quiet investigating may help. Do not take this the wrong way but also look at how you and your life may have changed, could this have affected him, I know my wife and life has changed since we had kids.

Just some thoughts but certainly try the Oil Pulling.


Replied by Gail (Cleveland, Ohio) on 08/01/2012

Try going to Al-Alanon for your mental well-being. You can offer your alcoholic various remedies, but it's his choice in the end. If he wants to keep drinking, he will. If he wants to take the remedies, he will. Or not. If you keep trying to make him better, but don't take care of yourself because you're focused on him, then neither of you win. And you drive yourself crazy. Difficult stuff. Peace to you.

Replied by Keleeemo (Dover, Nh) on 08/20/2012

I know what your going through although I don't live with my alcoholic son. I go to Alanon to stay sane and try and take care of me and stop trying to control the alcoholic because until they decide to quit I am just wasting my time. I should know because I am an alcoholic myself and stopped drinking 10/01/02. It runs in my family and my son's Dad died from alcoholism when he was 4. It is a horrible disease and the only cure is abstinance. AA helped me to get rid of the resentments I used to drink over and learn how not to form new ones. I did not quit until I was within a year of dying from Liver disease and I had to make up my mind and put myself in rehab and then go to meetings daily for a few years but I never want to drink again ever. I hope I don't have to bury my son but if that is Gods will I will get through it and not drink over it. Today I know I was born with a predisposition to drink. From my first drink I got crazy drunk which is not normal and my son did the same thing. My daughter did not and doesn't drink at all. Try Alanon, It really helped me. Good luck!

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