Advice needed for mrsa on toddler

Posted By Adisonsmama (Phoenix, Az, Us) on 11/03/2011

My 15mo. old daughter has a MRSA infection on her bottom. She is currently taking Bactrim as of 4 days ago. Though it is looking better and not as painful for her there is still a large area beneath the skin that is rock hard and it is no longer draining. Is there anything that is safe for me to try before it enters her bloodstream and/or it has to be lanced?

Replied by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/04/2011

Hi Adisonsmamma - Here's a link to an MRSA forum. Jason (Reply #22) healed his 2-year-old by opening up a probiotic capsule (the better kind found in the refrigerated section of your health food store), mixing it with a bit of distilled water so that it forms a paste and putting that on the sore before covering with a bandaid. Don't leave it on for more than 6 or 8 hours. Check for irritation. Also, he gave his son chewable probiotics. Here's the link:

As well, here is a blog with practical informaton from a mom with children who had MRSA.

And, of course, our very own Earth Clinic. There is lots of info there (turmeric is very good).

Good luck! Bess


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