Advice needed for heart blockage

Posted By Doll (Noida, U.p, India) on 11/29/2011

My mother is 62 yrs old. A month ago she had severe heart attack, after angiography it was revealed her one artery was 100% blocked, second one was 40 - 60% blocked and third one was 80% blocked. A stent was put in artery with 100% blockage. For rest she's being prescribed Aspirin along with other heart medicines. Her cholestrol is normal, her B.P. is normal. Please advise something to clear the rest of her blockage. Is apple cider vinegar helpful in her case?

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/29/2011

Doll, there are some great remedies under the heart disease section of this website.


Replied by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 11/29/2011

Nattokinase might help... read the testimonials here and decide..


Replied by Pamela (New Braunfels, Tx) on 11/30/2011

This is a good article:
I know garlic can help too.

Replied by Jerry (Seal Beach, Ca) on 12/01/2011

From my long experience with hawthorn, I am going to guess that alcohol-free liquid hawthorn extract will slowly unclog the blockage, provided that she does not eat any appreciable volume of fats. The hawthorn should be taken in fairly high dosage. It takes its time but it is thorough. About an inch of eye dropper per dose. I suspect you can get it at any large health food store.

Nowadays they use hawthorn berry, leaf, and flower, instead of hawthorn berry. It's fine. Also tea made from hawthorn berries is a way to go. About a heaping teaspoon. Fill a cup with boiling water, drop in the hawthorn, and let it steep ten minutes before drinking. Easiest if you use the hawthorn in a strainer, so you can remove it after ten minutes. Three cups of hawthorn tea a day.


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