Seeking Help for LPR (Silent Reflux), Cough, Bloating and Insomnia

Posted By Melia (New York City, Nw York) on 08/23/2016

I am in my late 60s who does exercises regularly and look fit/healthy most of the time except my belly is a little big for a small tiny woman like me and I have a little arthritis besides LPR (Silent Reflux).

I was diagnosed with ulcers when I was about 44 year old by a popular Gastroenterologist after an Endoscopy, he prescribed some antibiotic and Zantac, I felt better right after. Then he advised me to take TUM antacid for calcium every day and to avoid certain food--citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemon), mint, chocolate. I followed his instruction ever since.

I have been coughing a little bit since I was in mid 30 especially when I was under a/c room or too cold, but it got worst after I live in New York. My cough came with mucus. My primary doctor thought it was some kind of bronchitis or allergy, she prescribed some antibiotic, cough syrups, allergic pills like Claritin, Zyrtec or other but none of then help.

-In 2010 had 2 blood tests: June 2010 my Glucose was normal

Dec 2010 My glucose was about 54 (normal was about 65-139).

The reports were done by 2 different labs, my primary Dr. said it’s nothing as every lab was different.

-2012 had 2 blood tests: August test report shown normal Glucose

October test report (by other Lab) shown Glucose as 57 (normal is 65-139). Those 2 reports were done by 2 different Labs too.

Ever since then my glucose has been “Low” or around 51-56.

I questioned the Dr about that but she said that’s nothing to worry as my urine test was negative or normal. I have no diabetic.

Around 2012 visited an “ENT”, he confirmed that I had GERD or acid reflux after a test. He prescribed some Prilosec, Omeprazole. After a year of visit, my condition did not seem improve. Then he recommended me to see a Pulmonologist. That Pulmonologist thought it was some kind of allergy + silent reflux also prescribed similar medicine like Omeprazole, some spray to help my breathing (to be used when needed) & some allergy medicine but none of them help.

2014 I went to another Gastroenterologist and has an Endoscopy. The report shown that I have a small Hiatal Hernia at GE conjunction, Mild gastritis at stomach. The Biopsy results was negative. He also prescribed me something to block the acid (don’t remember the name) but none work..

After so many horrible experiences, I dare not try another doctor but try home remedies like baking soda or Chinese medicine. It helped a lot, I cough less and less mucus too.

Last end of July I had cold and my Primary Dr, prescribed me Promethazine DM cough syrup with antibiotic, I read about the side effects; so I did not take the antibiotic. I took the cough syrup about 1-1/2 days dose, the cold was over in about 4 days but my old symptoms have been come back and got worst ever since. Don’t know if it is because of that cough syrup or because of my immune system has been low.

The following are my symptoms:

-Cough with lot of mucus especially when I lay down. When there is a/c or facing the fan blow, I cough more.

- Bloating with gas /belching very severe.

- Troubles to sleep. I barely sleep for the whole week though I feel tired and sleepy.

Any help or advice/analysis will be appreciated.



Replied by Mrs A Of London Uk (London Uk) on 08/24/2016

Melia - I can only comment on the insomnia. If you are able to have a bath, try adding epsom salts and having a good soak before bed. A cousin of mine who had arthritis was recommended epsom salts baths as part of the treatment, and an excellent side effect was that she slept like a log. This is because one absorbs the magnesium through the skin.

I think the recommendation is not to do it EVERY night, but I'm sure you can google this. I only wish I could try it, but being so old I'm reduced to showers only.

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Replied by Jim (Frostburg) on 08/25/2016

Hi Melia,

For the bloating and other symptoms I would take a single capsule of D-limonene for a week. I would take it an hour or so before bedtime (For D Limonene see Amazon --and read the reviews); and to double up, I would also take three garlic capsules (say, 1000 MG, morning, afternoon, evening) per day for at least the same time period. I'm thinking you have the general symptoms of a bacterial/fungus/mold infection in your gut.

I would expect an improvement within a day

As an alternative approach, I'd try the borax protocol first mentioned by Ted on this site: Either 1/8 (women)or 1/4 Teaspoon (men) of borax dissolved in about a quart of water; and that quart of borax-water would then be sipped from throughout the day until empty. I would repeat this borax protocol for perhaps 4 or 5-days. If, in a day or two, I began feeling muscle pain or any sort of flu-like symptoms I would temporarily stop the borax protocol for a day or so, as this effect would be a likely "herx-effect" (google it). The borax protocol will often generate a herx effect; while the garlic and/or limonene will not.

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Replied by Meli (New York) on 08/26/2016

Thanks very much for your advice. I will try and let you know the results.



Replied by Maria Khan (Germany) on 08/26/2016

Dear Melia,

For cough I would suggest you to take MSM with vitamin C from my personal experience. My husband had for six months long persistant chronic cough. He took doctors medicines, allergy medicines, zinc etc but nothing helped. I started taking MSM for my beauty point of view after child's birth and gave my husband too. He noticed a difference and increased the dose of MSM and has been totally cured now but still taking due to its other benefits.

He started with half tea spoon MSM, 1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid, 1/8 teaspoon baking soda mixed in any fruit juice. Gradually increased the dose and is now taking one tablespoon of MSM in the morning empty stomach and one tablespoon before lunch. Don't take it in the evening as u have already difficulty in sleeping.

Google benefits of MSM, it is also good for digestive system. For acid reflux and bloating Ted's remedies are Magnesium chloride oral ingestion, Royal Jelly and the most important is juice of a whole lemon adding baking soda until fizz stops then add to 1/2 glass of water, once in the morning once in the evening. For sleep issue Mrs A has given you a very good advice but I would like to make it simple for you because daily bath in epsom salt is not convenient, even magnesium oil is very messy for me.

So the best solution I found and experienced on my husband and kids is to mix magnesium Chloride powder with organic Aloe vera gel. I mix 6 tablespoons of magnesium chloride in 150 ml Aloe vera gel and two tablespoon MSM for better absorption. But you will not mix MSM in this solution yet because it can give you rash from detoxing effect of MSM. When you will take MSM for one month orally then you will be able to apply it on your skin. Only Magnesium and aloe vera is fine too.The other thing you can do to improve your sleep quality by taking Niacin with flush, start with slow dose and take almost 500 mg before sleeping.Niacin is so relaxing vitamin as magnesium.I am breastfeeding my one year old and applying niacin in aloe vera gel adding MSM too for my pregnancy related melasma and positive side effect is sound sleep. I really enjoy the flush of niacin on my face and neck

.I have so many remedies and will share with earth clinic in other separate posts too. Due to my kidos I could not find time. Any way I hope all these suggestions will help you. Maria Khan.

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