Advice and guidance for husband w hep c

Posted By Oscar (Syracuse, New York, Usa) on 04/28/2012

Dear dazedconfused, There is what is called the: STANDARD LIVER PANEL series of tests and I am trying to find out how much these tests cost. They don`t seem to cost all that much [ $50.00 or less ] from what I am reading. But it is not all that clear to me. It depends on different things, such as where you live and who does the testing. I am looking in to it. Hopefully there are ways of avoiding having to have a doctor order them because that may cost more than the tests themselves.

I am determined to do what I can to see your husband get well. You mentioned drinking water. I would strongly recommend drinking only distilled water. This drinking adequate good quality water alone can go a long ways in helping him. That you can do immediately. I also recommend taking a regular size B-COMPLEX vitamin pill about every other day. Doing those things will at least not harm him and should help.

Now, I am a member of the: Life Extension forum and you can send me PM`s there. This way you can stay in close contact with me in a way that is NOT posted in a public forum. Go here to join that forum and I am: oscar2u in this forum:

I very much believe this BHT treatment is the REAL DEAL and really does work for hepatitis C.

Is your husband a football like me? That is what the surgeon who operated on me for that gunshot wound told me I was. I asked him: what do you mean I`m a football? He laughed and had a medic cut away the bandage about my abdomen and showed me the line of large sutures from just above my groin to just above my breastbone. See, a football he said. We both laughed because my stomach did look like a football with that long line of large sutures. The fun I had in the Marine Corps never ended until I got out 2 years later. Later, ...Oscar


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York, Usa) on 04/29/2012

Dear dazedconfused, These tests are available for less than $50.00 here and the information as to how to get these tests are at this link:

This is a good place and all the information is provided as to go about it. If, for some reason you are in a location that makes these services unavailable there are other such laboratories offering similar services....Oscar


Replied by Dazednconfused (Mountain Home, Arkansas, United States) on 05/01/2012

Thank you very much Oscar. I never knew a place like this existed! How awesome is that?

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