Advice about numb feet and legs

Posted By Rebeka (Memphis, Tn) on 06/11/2011


I am deeply grateful for all of the great advice on earthclinic. You really help all of us who do not have access to good health care and for those who do not trust traditional medicine.

I have three questions.
1-where can I get the chewable dessicated liver tabs?

2-where can I get hydrated magnesium chloride in crystal or powder form?

3-what do you recommend for numb feet and legs. It feels like I am walking on gravel all the time. Also my butt is numb. It feels like something is lodged in my rectal area or like a tight feeling or pressure in the butt. I am not constipated. I have been to the doctor for blood work and exam. He put me on meloxicam-15mg once a day.

Thanks for any advice you can offer.

All the best,

EC: Hi Rebekah,

If you search "Dessicated Liver" or "Magnesium Chloride flakes" on either Amazon or Google shopping, you can see various brands that sell these products.


Replied by Rein (Gatineau, Qc Canada) on 12/17/2011

To Rebeka from Memphis, Tn:

"3-what do you recommend for numb feet and legs. It feels like I am walking on gravel all the time. Also my butt is numb."

What helped me was Yoga, lying down on my belly while reading or computer .. , stretch a lot, find sore spots on leg for accupuncture massage points = (tiger balm)neck stretching exercises lean back , walk a lot in sun and tread-mill, walk backwards slow carefully, in bed wiggle hips a lot e g 100 times up and down, sleep without pillow, are you shoulders drawn up u tense a lot -rotate 100 x, or until tired , relaxing after exausting movements comes automatically! (consider tantric therapy or similar to get ciculation going running) or sit ly on the side, don't sit for extended periods, yah sitting in squat position (gradually) is fantastic. Experiment and watch for body responses etc. et me know...


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