Acute Hive Remedies Needed

Posted By Irene (Elk Grove, CA) on 01/01/2009

Anyone have any ideas? I suffer from acute hives, facial swelling and ichy spots that start out in the size of quarters then grow to huge swollen welts ??? help!!Please!

Replied by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 01/07/2009

I used kayopectate(sp) on my hives. It worked great. Just put it on like calamine lotion. You can get it at any drug store or wall mart.

Replied by Mclovin (Saint Petersburg, Fl) on 05/20/2012

I have suffered from chronic hives (daily) since 1994. I have been on every allergy med known to man!

On a fluke, my husband mentioned my pH balance. I went to the vitamin store, bought some pH testing tape and pH-basic herbal supplements. It turns out that I was DANGEROUSLY ACIDIC (5.0)! This morning, my pH levels are 5.8... Less than 24 hours after taking the pH-basic!

Doctors don't want to tell you that a majority of people's problems are pH balance related! They just want to get the pharmaceutical companies money! I really hopes this helps. As someone who has suffered from severe daily hives for 18 years, and popped 250mg of allergy meds every 6 hours, I know what I'm talking about!


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