Active mother turning obese from waist down

Posted By Sunita (Herndon, Va) on 02/06/2013

My mother, 55 yrs. old, is turning obese down from the waist. She's active and works for a bank, does likes to walk too and walks as much as she can. Not fond of Msg or any other kind of junk food at all. Not fond of sugar also. Mostly vegan good and has stopped taking milk and any other kinds of fats at all. She just had a knee surgery done because of her catching weight. Please suggest any herbal or natural remedy to help her out. Would appreciate.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/07/2013

Sunita: I am always quick to suggest a good multivitamin/mineral supplement w/ every meal because our modern diet is deficient in much nutrition and high in bad stuff like additives. High Fructose Corn Syrup is one of the biggest causes of obesity because the human liver, if compromised in any way, has a difficult time metabolizing HFCS into ATP energy. So the fructose that's not used immediately for energy becomes a triglyceride and is stored in adipose tissue as FAT.

Do the multivitamin, plus any one of literally hundreds of Fat Burners and weight loss supplements sold otc almost anywhere. These "fat burners" usually have a variety of nutrients that combined help with appetite control as well as metabolism. "5 Hour Energy" is one of the latest and most successful products but is quite high in caffeine. Green Tea, Hoodia, Chromium, Carnitine, B-Vitamins, are some common ingredience in most of these products. I would suggest, in addition to the FB, a nutrient DMG (Dimethylglycine) as a very effective energy enhancer without any stimulant-type side effects. Take 1 250mg DMG daily.


Replied by Anon (Anon) on 02/07/2013

Hi, 55 is young. But middle age spread is common. Advice is cut right back on sugar, fruit and carbs and up green veg, protein and saturated fat - see Barry Groves books. I also think caffeine plays a part here in creating insulin highs and laying down fat around middle - does your mother drink a lot of coffee or strong tea/ caffeinated drinks?

Replied by Neukoln (Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk) on 02/08/2013

I wonder if it might be a lymphatic-drainage problem following the surgery? Is it worse on the side of the operated leg? Do you know if they gave her an epidural - an injection at the base of the spine? My suggestion would be to try dry brushing (body brushing). Google it. It really really works for lymphatic drainage. You will need to get her a natural bristle brush - with tough fibres. I use it for about 10 minutes in the morning, 5 days a week. I take a break on Wed and Sat. But start by going over the body just once day. Then next week two circuits. The week after three circuits. She'll get to a point when she has had enough. For me that's 10 circuits, but when I am depressed it's 15. Good luck! X

Replied by Sunita (Herndon, Va) on 02/09/2013

Just discovered that she has thyroid issues. So there's a reason behind it. Thanks to all for your great suggestions. Surely we'll come up with something now.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/10/2013

I first suspected the Thyroid, but didn't want to say prematurely. As for the Thyroid, there is tons of info on the web now from professionals and patients as the issues are prevalent. Many books also published on Thyroid. Supplementing Iodine/Iodide alone improves many cases. Tyrosine supplementation is also indicated for low t.

Anyway, here's an E.C. link for your perusal:

Please check back with updates.


Replied by Deeb (Upnorth, Wi Usa) on 02/17/2013

Hi, I have lymphedema of my arm and hand (from breast cancer mastectomy and lymph gland removals) and am told I will ALWAYS have to wear a compression hand and arm garment. I'd like to see if this "brushing" helps me, but don't quite understand what you mean by "circuits" and would like your help about this, since you said it "really really helps lymphedema". Thanks so much!

Replied by Christine (Sydney) on 04/18/2016

It sounds like Lipoedema, a condition that effects mostly women and mostly from the waist down. It's fat that is stored at the subcutaneous level that cannot be removed by diet or exercise. Both causes and treatments are still largely unknown, but if you google it there is support available.
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Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/20/2016

Hm, Christine, I've read here about ACV "eating up" fat. Maybe she could try that.
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Replied by Namaw (Bama) on 04/21/2016

I've been taking niacin for cholesterol--maybe it would work for this fatty issue? It's supposed to make the fat globules explode so they can be flushed out of the system. I'm just guessing.
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