Abdominal pain around umbilicus

Posted By Udh (Chennai, India) on 11/16/2011

I am 20 years old and for the last 21/2 years I was suffering from abdominal pain around umbilicus, internal itching at a point close to umbilicus, itching in ear and it goes to anal region and urinary area. I had constipation and now it is alternating with frequent motions some time. I lost around 20kg in the last two years now it is stable but I couldn't gain weight too. My lower extremities are cold. I am getting headache and couldn't sleep properly. I have tried allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda but I couldn't get any relief. Allopathy doctors couldn't understand the itching and telling me it is my thinking. I have undergone all tests from biochemical tests, x Ray, ultra sonogram, CT scan, gastroenteroscopy twice, colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, biochemical markers for coeliac disease. All results are normal except for low Hb, medium sized ulcer in the first endoscopy with H. Pylori positive. After 2 months in second endoscopy no ulcer is detected but the biopsy report shows no H. Pylori this time but the final report says chronic inflammation of intestinal mucosahistopathology and the pathologist gives in d/d chronic viral infection. I am doing my third year engineering and life is hell with pain and itching

Udh from India


Replied by Filiz (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) on 11/27/2011

Your symptoms may all be related to gluten sensitivity. I would suggest that you eliminate all gluten for 30 days and watch what happens. I would be really surprised if all your complaints did not disappear. You must do it radically though, just reducing gluten will not work. All the best.

Replied by Organic Activist (Chicago, Il ) on 10/27/2012

Sounds to me like a paraistic infection. Have them test you for this. Also, it is wise to eat properly too, only fresh foods, organic if possible. Try to stay away from any processed foods, even rice.

Replied by Anonymous (Ca) on 03/31/2013

internal itching has to do with overloaed toxicity it could be from parasites, or a virus?, Are you on the verge of have low thyroid? How are your hormones? Do you have allergies to food fibers or chemicals? So while you figure it out, to stop all itching fast naturally high quality Vitamin C I take 10,000 mg 2-3 times a day. If you get diarrhea then lower the dose and then alkalize 2-3 daily.

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