Anyone Tried Solfeggio Frequencies for AFib?

Posted By Pat (Pa) on 01/03/2016

Has anyone ever tried "Solfeggio" chakra healing frequencies for this condition? I was told they may help?

Replied by Timh (KY) on 01/05/2016

Pat: I listen to a series of different Solfeggio harmonics/music regularly, particularly the Love 528 for healing and DNA repair (cancer prevention). The Chakras are prominently the spiritual "hotspots" or locals in the body that may influence parasympathetic nervous systems (which help regulate biorhythms like heart etc.), but mainly they influence spiritual health. Chakra cleansing & balancing may therefor prove necessary for overall mind/body healing if indeed one has incurred much damage to those chakras.

Transcendental Meditation would be the next step after the Chakra cleanse for the synchronization of Mind/Body. TM is like an ultimate tune-up for the parasympathetic nervous system. The stress reduction benefits of TM alone are enough for positive health changes and biorhythms.

In my history of severe & chronic toxic condition, I often place a strong magnet directly over my heart for only a minute or two. My heart issues have much improved over the last couple yrs and the magnets are not needed as before, but I did to the MT couple wks ago with very good results. Bad energy collects anywhere in the body and if not young & strong enough, the body can't remove that bad energy; this is where Magnets are true miracles. Even with all the heart-health supplements I take, I still require occasional Magnet Therapy.

Lastly and back to the music/harmonics, do know that there are some very good music engineers perfecting the art of music/harmonics healing therapy which may or may not involve Solfeggio, but do deliver special frequencies that make those biological changes that the sick body is not capable of producing. These harmonic are sometimes called "digital drugs" as they have a chemical-like effect by frequency modulation. I listen to many different ones on YouTube for a variety of conditions. As an example of effectiveness, I have tried a number of different Lucid Dream induction tones w/ very positive results. Although I have not got health enough to become fully lucid, the sounds get me nearly there with very realistic and involved dreams.

Now for cardio harmonics specifically. Here is a YT link.

Let us know if you are getting better.


Replied by Bee (New York) on 01/04/2016


Omg. you poor thing. Still suffering and struggling with the thing.

I would def. try the binaural beats or anything you can think of to help yourself. You have nothing to lose. I listen to rife tones and binaural beats on youtube.. not for Afib but other things and seems to help..

Have you tried acupunture, acupressure; Chinese doctor.. anything to try and get relief

I have recently studied Louise Hay who says we can cure any illness... check her out on youtube.

Maybe its time to go to your spiritual side to alleviate this stuff...

oh; also check out Dr. Robert Morse on youtube. He also has a website. He is a naturopath and has a clinic in Florida. He will also answer questions If you write in...

Hang in there.


Replied by Pat (Pa) on 02/03/2016

Not much better, Timh! I actually am getting Afib episodes more frequently as the doctors said I would! I am thinking of "surrendering" to the ablation since I am not getting any reults with the meds and I hate them anyway as I am sensitive to them and can't seem to take a bigger dose of all of them! So my doctor thinks I am a good candidate for the surgery. Don't know what else to do! My quality of life is not good! Always waiting for it and it lasts at least 6-7 hrs day or night and never know when I will get it! Not good! Will let you know. Thanks for your thoughts!

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 02/05/2016

Yes, Pat. It has been a long journey and if an ablation seems a likely cure then go for it and let us know of the results, and any follow up remedies if needed from this end. Whatever it takes to improve this condition.

Replied by Pat (Pa) on 02/15/2016

Well, I am still avoiding the doctors about the ablation procedure! I'm afraid! Still looking for alternatives! Now on Dr.Carolyn Dean's supplements of magnesium and minerals. Pattern of my Afib episodes has definitely changed so I don't know if things are changing inside since I started? Episodes got more frequent but duration much less and don't need as many pills to convert! Just 1or 2 flecainide as opposed to 2-3 and I am not taking 2 of these a day anymore either.Only use them when I get an episode to convert back! Usually it converts in 2 hrs now! So, I guess this is some progress! Still hate it! Wait till they hear I went off the flecainide! They are not happy with me at all! I don't even think they want to see me anymore! Oh, well, I can't help that I don't feel real comfortable with their cures! Since none of them really worked, why would I?

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