8 year old with cerebral palsy

Posted By Sunil Sinha (Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India) on 12/26/2012

My son is patient of CP, write now he is 8 year old and 23Kg in weight. He has problem of convulsion, due to this Dr. has given Oxcarbazepine-150 mg 1tab every night. Today we have given this medicine at 8PM after 1 hour he got attack of brain convulsion. Can u suggest any better Medicine for this or we have to increase the dose. Please advise. Regards, Sunil

Replied by Mominchi (Chicago, Il) on 12/29/2012

Hello, My son Sahil is a little one 3yrs, but has profund disablity and severe epilepsy. I can tell you from experience that medication must build up in the system to work. A convulsion will not stop by giving that one as an emergency med. Here in the US we use a short acting drug like a benzodiazapine (Midazaolam drops??) for seizures that happen despite regular med. They don't last long so you need another for everyday use.

As for natural cures for spacicity be sure that calcium and magnesium are balanced. Personally I try to get vitamins mainly from food so that this huge imbalance will not occur. Pills can push it 8:1 in favor of Ca and actually cause seizures, heart attacks, tone issues/ spacitity just on it's own. Calcium GREATLY increases tone and magnesium has the opposite effect. Remember this applies to ALL tone, smooth muscles as well so add it slowly or the laxative effect will happen. Usually this is a good thing for CP/neuro deficit disorders as they have a hard time with reflux and constipation, UTI ect.


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