Advice Needed for 7 Year Old with Spasticity of Lower Limbs

Posted By Liny (India) on 11/24/2016

Hi . Would like to take advise for my 7 year old daughter who was born preterm ( at 27 weeks) and in few days diagnosed with hydrocephalus. Since she was underweight at birth ( 750 gms), dr's put a reservoir on her forehead one month after birth to tap the fluid regularly . At four months of age, she had a shunt inserted . At one and a half years of age, her shunt got blocked and she went into coma. She then underwent a shunt revision surgery . Her MRI showed a hypoplastic cerebellum at seven months of age.

She attained head holding at about 1and a half years of age. By two and A half years, she began to roll and sit up with elbow supported on floor. She began making lots of sounds etc. But she continued to be in this stage with no progress except in cognition. Now she says just Amma, no other sounds. At six years of age, we accidentally found that her hips were dislocated and had been dislocated for a very long time. She underwent surgery for it. But after that her knees have gone into flexion. She had spasticity for her hands and legs earlier too. Now it seems to have increased so much that her knees are almost as though they have about 40 degrees contractures.

We Would be very grateful for your advise .


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 11/26/2016

One simple therapy that has big potential for this development condition is Magnet Therapy. Shop for a Magnetic Bed Pad to fit your child and let her lay on it for several hrs per day. This will speed up healing in her body. If she has any metal devices inserted to help mend the deformities this might be a concern, depending on what type metal. Stainless Steel is safe to use with Magnets but other types of metal may not be.

Replied by Liny (India) on 12/04/2016

Thanks TimH. Will try it as soon as I can afford it.

I would like like to hear from others who have followed Ted's cp remedy .


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