7 year old with molluscum

Posted By Jennifer (Hanford, Ca) on 10/23/2014

I love the home remedy information I've read on molluscum. My issue is my 7 year old daughter contracted it, but it's in clusters in her butt crack. It looks so bad! Because of the area, some of them look like flattened skin tags. The dermatologist said it won't go away in a year because the larger ones won't allow her body to fight it off. So he prescribed Veregen for the inflammation and in a couple of weeks, he'll start the Beetlejuice treatments. My problem is that the Veregen is a non-formulary and is $1200!! That is just insane! I want to see if I can get the inflammation down without that medication. The sample the doctor gave worked right away, but the sample is the size of my pinky! Like I said, it's in a real sensitive spot and that is my concern. Any suggestions?

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 10/24/2014

Dear Jennifer,

In spite of the location, I would try some natural remedies first. There are many things to try on the MC pages. I would include some things internal like turmeric. I would give a child that age a quarter teaspoon in some applesauce or yogurt twice a day. Epsom salt baths may help. Sorry to be brief. my only Internet is on my phone Until next week. :)

~Mama to Many~


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