52 and for 5 years have had chronic sweating

Posted By Diane (Tilden, Nebraska) on 06/18/2012

Ok I'm 52 and I have for the past 5 years had this issue with constant sweating, it can be -40 out and I start this sweating episode. Yes I understand it is menopause, but for 5 years and all the time. Now that it is summer its 10 x's worse. Any suggestions? I ordered Maca and was advised to try Black Coash, I got some and got temp relief which only lasted for a short time. When I physcially work ( I work in Nursing) it is really bad, I have to carry an extra uniform to change into do to being so wet with sweat.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/19/2012

Diane, several months ago I posted a possible treatment w/ the old school prescription anti-depressant Amitryptaline or a natural alternative herb of the nightshade family (anti-cholinergic) but the person never reported back any treatment success or failure. Also, Dr Hendel has an homeopathic formula "Excessive Perspiration" that might be of help. Please report any results.

Replied by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 06/18/2012

I have had chronic sweating since puberty :(. And I am 40. It disables my whole social life, self esteem and self worth. No one else has this problem and I get asked a lot 'why are you sweating so much?' Police have even stopped me because they thought I was drunk because I sweat so much (no joke). It is 90% in my face. I can't keep makeup on for more than 10 minutes without it melting off unless I am in my car with the AC on my face constantly. Even in the most mild of conditions starting at 70 degrees, it pours out my sweat glands, especially at my temples and near the bottom of my nose. I live in hot-oven Texas which is horrible for anyone with this. It is so embarrasing having to carry a towel everywhere, even to bed! Having my kids didn't make it any better or worse. I can't even keep a job because I value myself so little when this acts up and of course no doctor can do anything to help. I just thank god I don't get it under my arms real bad, just a bit more than usual which is almost "normal". Corn starch and baking soda mixed and applied under arms helps.

Only bonus is I do not get cold at all in any type of cold weather (guess it's cause I'm a Maine girl). EC has me thinking its been trying to flush something out of my body, but ongoing for 30 years?? I really am dying for help with this.


Replied by Kathy (Idaho Falls, Id, Usa) on 06/23/2012

I think your problem might be related to hormones. I had a similar problem that turned out to be hot flashes, my first one was when I was around 30 and they progressively got worse. The smallest things such as exercise, heat, and even stress will bring one on. Over the years I have tried many supplements to help with this and have found supplements that contain black cohosh to be of great help. I also use natural progesterone cream which helps a lot too. Wishing you good luck.

Replied by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 10/07/2012

This has been going on for 30 years, so its not menopause. Still fertile and get the monthly visitor every month so definitely not that. This past summer was just grueling like the faucets were on full blast all the time even at night. I could not go anywhere, even bed, without a towel. Now it has cooled off outside thank god especially at night, no issues until it warms up again or I start having to do housework. I've been reading that wheat messes with your temperature balance (and appetite), and have done without wheat for the last 3 weeks. Between that and the cooler October temps, I am feeling better lately.

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