26 and having heart palpitations

Posted By Andria (Bradenton, Florida) on 11/13/2011

I am 26 and I have been having palpatations for about 9 months now I have been to the er I have been to my doc which has ordered echo cardiogram a 2d I have had blood work and a ekg they say might heart looks fine. I quit smoking cigs its been 2 months now I have quit drinking coffee and I was stress free for over a month but there has been no relief from these heart palps. Any advice I am a young breastfeeding mom.

Replied by Bess (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/13/2011

Hi Andria from Florida - I have found taking magnesium (I use "Calm" from the health food store which is easily absorbed as magnesium citrate) every night has helped me with heart palpitations. And magnesium is something incredibly important for your health and that of your little one. North Americans seem to be deficient in that very important mineral.

Also, there is a page here on Earth Clinic which may have some info for you. Just click the link:


Congratulations on being a new mom - and also for quitting the ciggies! Best of luck, Bess


Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 11/13/2011

Just having a baby has probably depleted your essential minerals, especialy magnesium and potasium. They say "a baby costs a tooth".. Eating bananas usually fixes the problem but it might be prudent to get a good multivitamin.

Replied by Jerry (Seal Beach, Ca) on 12/01/2011

Andria, check out my Hawthorn Motherwort entry under Heart Palpitations and my Motherwort Hawthorn entry under Tachycardia, and see if they can help. Hawthorn is wonderful for the heart but it takes a while to kick in. With motherwort, it makes a lightning fast remedy for my kind of heart palpitations.

Replied by Patti (London, Canada) on 10/24/2012

Motherwort, Hawthorne- Each of these remedies brought on palpitations for me. It was terrible!!!! Certain foods trigger my episodes (kale, citrus, walnute, almonds, coconut oil, eating after 8 PM). Even applying magnesium oil has caused them to come on tonight. Can't wait until the morning bc will try black strap molasses. Recent blood tests report I have liver issues (took bld pressure med for 3 years---stupid stupid--and ironically, never really needed it), thyroid issues, am not absorbing nutrients. Visit with Naturopath/Auricular Medicine Specialist tomorrow and am praying for help there. Anyone else experienced these symptoms as precursors to palpitations? Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. This is, truly, a wonderful site. Cheers! Patti

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