2 year old niece has chalazion

Posted By Shpresa (Nyc, Ny) on 08/12/2009

Hello EarthClinic, My 2year old niece has Chalazion on her eyes. Does anyone know how to get rid of it naturally? Thank you!

Replied by Hopeso (England) on 08/16/2009

Hi - I've got a Chalazion under my right eye lid. Doctor sent me to the Opticians and he gave me some ointment to put in my eye for about 2 weeks. Went for check up but not completely gone so had to put more ointment on it. A week later and I still feel that it is not gone but is much better. Is there an natural remedy that I could use because I feel it will come back and I do not want to use the ointment anymore.

Replied by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 08/18/2009

have you tried putting castor oil in the eye? it helps with lots of eye problems and it doesn't hurt.

Replied by Kate (Salida, Co) on 10/08/2009

I have done hot-compresses. Fold a washcloth into quarters, then soak in HOT water. Apply hot washcloth to affected eyelid. Continue to reheat the washcloth as needed and keep in over they eyelid for about 20 minutes at a time. Do this 3 times/day until the chalazion disappears. If you catch them early, they won't develop very big.

Also, I tend to get them as small bumps on the edge of my eyelids first. To prevent: Before I wash my face/brush my teeth, I take a clean washcloth, get a corner wet and scrub my eyelids. I look down to get my upper lid, then look up to get my lower lid. (It helps to pull the lower lid from the eye to clean really well.) If I notice a small whitehead-looking-thing, I scrape it off with the washcloth. Be very careful not to get the washcloth in the eye. (This may take a couple of tries, especially doing it to a young child.) If I can scrape it away, it usually keeps a chalazion from developing. Hope this helps!


Replied by Brian (Stuart, Florida) on 03/24/2010

Hot compresses to loosen up the gook that gets stuck in the glands. Hot compresses took me a while to figure out. Folded a washcloth in half. Rolled it tightly. Put it on just boiled water. Waiting 5 or so minutes until it was just cool enough to handle. Then wrung out the water to prevent drips. Washcloth is now super hot but moist not dripping. Held on chalazion and unrolled washcloth as it cooled AA the center stays warmer longer. This loosens it all up and let's the flow out and go away.

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