Melatonin, Art's Topical for Alleviates Nerve and Muscular Issues

5 star (1) 

Deborah (California, USA) on 01/26/2024:
5 out of 5 stars

Hello and THANK YOU so much for this wonderful recipe for TML. This is an amazing discovery.

I have stage IV cancer with Lepto Menengeal. It has caused several nerve and muscular issues. A friend and I made this lotion and it is incredible. Long story, short; my feet absolutely do not tingle anymore. I use the TML twice daily. The second time we made it using beef tallow instead of cetaphil. That requires a little different method to mix, but I prefer a creamier thicker lotion. Both require some essential oils to overcome the smell. The cetaphil lotion smells like gin and the tallow one smells like beef and required a bit more lavender. The smell does dissipate once it's applied to the skin.

This stuff is amazing. It works! Thank you so very much! What a God send!

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