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Astaxanthin for Energy and Endurance

Magnolia (US) on 12/10/2022
5 out of 5 stars

After reading about Astaxanthin, I decided to try it. I am a 72 year old woman w/o much energy - asthma due to allergies, some osteoarthritis in my knees and other joints, but nothing much else. The only prescription medication I am on is montelukast. I take several herbal/vitamin supplements. About a month ago I started taking 2 12MG doses of Astaxanthin, one in the early morning and one at lunch. After about a month, I can tell a marked increase in my energy level. I have not noticed any interference with any other medication and no worsening of asthma symptoms or my chronic cough. I cannot tell that it has made a big difference in my arthritis but has given me energy to exercise more in the house and by taking walks in our winter weather. I will keep taking this at this dosage and am very pleased with it.
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Art's New Article

Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 11/05/2022

I started taking astaxanthin for eye issues which could lead to blindness. Apparently there is astaxanthin in krill oil supplements, but, I am allergic to shell fish.
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Thank You, Art!

Carmel (Essex, UK) on 11/05/2022
5 out of 5 stars

I am a 65 year old woman with hormone imbalance problems that cause fatigue, lack of energy etc regularly. I bought astaxanthin and will now take 2 x 24 mg a day and see how I go. Thank you for your article. It's knowledgeable and gives one hope. But no good asking a doctor for advice on these things, none of the doctors in the UK have a clue about nutrition/diet/supplements/vitamins etc. We find out far more, quicker and free of charge online.
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