Sea Salt for Congestion

5 star (2) 

carmel (Essex) on 03/24/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

Had similar problem for about a year, including a lot of thick stringy mucus in nose and throat making it hard to breath. Got a salt machine and put it on at night so it works while I sleep for hours. Far better than having to keep using asthma inhalers to try to shift it - with all of their side effects - and very easy. The trouble with these problems is doctors are clueless as to the cause of it or don't care and just give medicines for the symptoms, often ones that cause as many problems or more than they solve. You can buy this machine on the shopping site beginning with A. Not a salt pipe, a proper machine that works while you do whatever you want, sleeping, eating, watching tv or whatever. You must be thinking of staying in the room. Do not leave door open. Let it build up and work for as many hours a s possible daily. I put mine on at night as electricity is cheaper then and its the only time, when I am sleeping, that I am not going from room to room.

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Brian (Baltimore, MD) on 09/12/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I had this problem all my life, a stopped up runny nose at night. I took a quarter of a teaspoon of unrefined sea salt and the very first night it cleared up! Now, I have a problem with dry mouth! But I can live with this. Anyone fighting to breath at night knows the misery it brings. I am finally getting a full nights rest! If you try this, make sure that it is UNREFINED sea salt.
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