Raw Dairy Feedback

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Annie (Oklahoma, Oklahoma) on 11/12/2007:
1 out of 5 stars

Raw milk carries the BLS-Bovine Luekmia virus that can spread to humans and has already shown up in blood work. BLS is also implicated in Breast Cancer. The risk is to great even though Raw milk does have some benefits.

Caroline (Roseburg, Oregon) on 10/25/2007:
1 out of 5 stars

The person who mentions consuming raw milk should add the caveat: Raw milk consumption is a risky behavior due to the possiblity of ingesting bacteria with the potential of making one very ill. An example, e. coli, campylobacter, etc. Louis Pasteur isn't famous for nothing!

Meg (Lomé, Togo) on 10/03/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

Hi. I am a big fan of raw dairy products, completely unheated, unpasteurized, straight from the cow. In all the reading I have done, I have seen that prior to the introduction of widespread pasteurization of dairy products, raw milk was being used to treat many medical conditions, including pelvic inflammatory disease, prostate problems, edema, and others. A rundown on it can be found here: [http://www.karlloren.com/aajonus/p15.htm#_ftn64] It can be a bit difficult to get hold of raw dairy in the US, a bit more easy in France, and I just don't know about other places. Myself I am hoping to find a source this weekend here in Lomé. I hope you might point out raw dairy as a possible healthy addition to people's diets even if no-one wants to try it for those problems. If nothing else, it is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, and because it is raw, all the extra enzymes in it that help our bodies absorb calcium are still present. Thanks!
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Marian (Central Lk) on 09/10/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Concerning sinus infections and their relationship to ice cream, I would like to comment on the pasteurization of milk and its products there of. The pasteurization of milk kills the enzymes that enables the body to process and assimilates its benefits. When products of pasteurized milk are consumed, it basically sits rotting in the small intestine, which resides in the same meridian as the sinuses, thus, causing inflammation and quite often sinus infection. Raw milk products from cows raised in mineral rich pastures, fed only grasses and no grain, produce a milk highly beneficial and easily assimilated by our human bodies. It is loaded with fat soluble vitamins, A , D, and E, minerals and enzymes. So don't knock out ice cream all together, it can still be enjoyed by making your own with fresh raw milk.
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