Psyllium Tips and Advice

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Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 05/21/2010:
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Psyllium Husk Tips for Constipation, IBS-Diarrhea, General Detoxification, etc.:

-Start with small amounts, maybe ½ tsp or 2-3 capsules, increasing to 1 heaping tsp (equal to about 10 capsules -- just use the powder if you need this much)

- Important: instructions call for 8 oz of water per heaping tsp. Drink at least double this amount. I drink triple this amount. I mix the heaping tsp of psyllium in 16 oz water and drink quickly. Then I pour another 6-8 oz water & drink that as well, for a total of 20-24 oz. (a tall glass and a half). If I don't drink this amount, I get dehydrated. I dehydrate easily -- my mouth & eyes get dry and, especially in the morning, my kidneys ache. A tall glass of water or two will resolve this quickly. I also drink room temperature water. I can't imagine drinking that much cold water unless I was really hot. It's ok to warm the water, but I prefer room temp.

- I prefer to take my heaping tsp in 20-24 oz water about an hour or two after dinner. I do get a bit bloated, so I'd rather be bloated overnight. I have time before bed to urinate a couple of times, so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night. For me, a perfectly flat stomach equals constipation ;-) The bloating goes away with a good bowel movement in the morning.

- I usually drink 16-32 oz of water on an empty stomach when I first get up. This will send me straight to the bathroom. Often, I eliminate within 15-30 minutes of getting up without the water, but I know I need to rehydrate in the morning anyway, so this is a good habit. Water on an empty stomach can cause contractions in the intestinal tract, which helps elimination. I also keep seltzer water, as that also causes intestinal spasm and can be helpful. But first you need soft, bulky stools (think psyllium husk), not hard, small stools. Once this problem is solved, water first thing in the morning or seltzer water will help the stools move through the intestinal tract, if this is an issue.

- My mother has occasional constipation and 1 heaping tsp psyllium in 16 oz water clears it up for her.

- My husband has IBS, where rich, fatty foods cause cramping and diarrhea shortly after eating. Taking 2-3 psyllium capsules with 8 oz or more water before eating will prevent the severe intestinal spasms that cause the cramping & diarrhea. So psyllium helps with IBS-constipation (lazy colon) & IBS-diarrhea (spastic colon).

- Any efforts to detox (I've tried many remedies from EarthClinic) will be aided by psyllium husk. There's nothing worse than drawing toxins out & then not being able to eliminate them. Psyllium husk will shorten, lighten, or eliminate detox/'herx' effects. I sometimes increase psyllium to 2 or more tsp/day. Take a half tsp here and there throughout the day and then a normal dose at night (if you have room -- Pay attention & you'll learn to detect when you've taken enough -- you'll be a little bloated at bedtime.... the bloating will be gone in the morning with a good, easy bowel movement.

-I also take psyllium husk on an empty stomach in the morning, if needed. It will cause a little bloating but, if I'm constipated, it's worth it. Also, a good idea if I'm using additional detox remedies. Again, detox without good elimination is self-defeating. You'll only reabsorb the toxins &/or feel terrible. Stop detox efforts until you are eliminating well and then restart slowly.

- I buy a vitamin store's brand of psyllium husk. It's pure, with no other ingredients.

- My mother prefers to mix psyllium & water in a jar. Shake it well. Then pour & drink quickly. Follow with more plain water to get to 16-24 oz.

- It appears that most problems with psyllium occur from taking too much too soon (excessive gas, bloating) and from not drinking enough water (dehydration -- could cause bad breath & other ill effects). I can think of no other way psyllium could cause bad breath. If anything, it helps eliminate old food from hanging around and causing bad breath (for me, next-day bad breath from garlic, etc. is no longer a problem).

- Eliminates hemorrhoids. Eliminates/helps acid reflux. - for me, at least.

- Lowers bad cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar levels. If my blood sugar dips before dinner, I'll take a little psyllium and I'm fine. It helps me keep my weight stable, but I'm not trying to lose weight.

- Not habit forming, but rather helps tone the intestinal tract. I need less psyllium now than I used to.

- Acts as a prebiotic. I've never had trouble with washing away all my good bacteria, but rather I feel my intestinal tract is healthier than ever. I do eat raw veggies everyday, which also helps good bacteria flourish.

Hope this helps someone!

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Victor (Manila, Philippines) on 01/07/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

After 25 yrs of religiously following an exercise/diet regimen (30min brisk walk 4x/wk, fruits ONLY dinners) my cholesterol/sugar/weight breached normal levels. Psyllium corrected all these. Have been taking 5grams of it everyday since 2004 and have since become a "psyllium-phile". Following are my 2cents:

The 8 glasses of water/day rule is passe. The heavier you are, the more water you need. Follow instead: weight (in kilos)/24= liters of water/day. On days you perspire a lot (ie exercise day), use 20 as your divisor. I don't recommend psyllium for people who don't drink enough water.

W/ regards to dependency, we need 25-30 grams of fiber/day. I've yet to see any cereal more fibrous than psyllium. I stopped eating oatmeal, so I lowered my uric acid too.

You can avoid bloating by taking psyllium FIRST thing in the morning AT LEAST 30 MIN before your first meal. I also find eating fruits IMMEDIATELY AFTER psyllium bloats you.

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Jong (Manila, Philippines) on 11/08/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

About Halitosis caused by psyllium husk--It is not true that psyllium causes halitosis. In fact, it should have the reverse effect. If you notice, even your stool will start to become almost odor free when you take psyllium regularly. What likely could have happened is that the sufferer could have ingested a contaminted psyllium. These can be contaminated more often with yeasts and molds if left in a container or place where moisture can penetrate. These could also probably the source of the candida in the stomach. So, be careful when buying psyllium which are stored in open container or shelves. Best to buy those tightly packed.
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Phil (Brisbane, Australia) on 08/23/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

The cost of psyllium husk consumed for any purpose is offset in part by savings on toilet paper.
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