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Onion and Soap Cure for Infected Cuts

Sheri W. (Jackson, Mi) on 06/14/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Onions and dial soap for a wound that is infected. You make a paste out of the two together it works, even if you have a red streak just leave it on overnight and the next day infection will be gone, I promise.
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Onion for Helping Sickness

Stephanie (Canada) on 02/03/2014

Onion for helping sickness... Is there truth behind this? I was told that If I put sliced onion on ball of my foot and go to bed with socks I should feel better

Onion Cured Nasty Staph Infection, Cellulitis on Scalp

Tammy (Orland Ca) on 11/22/2013
5 out of 5 stars


My friend's daughter had a terrible staph infection on her leg. Her friend told her to cut the onion in half, microwave it for about a minute and put it on the infected area. She did that for about 20 minutes 3x in one day and the infection cleared up.

My daughter got Cellulitus on her head recently. I did the same thing and it seems to be working. The swelling has gone down and now there is only a scab where the infection started.

It may be an old wives tale, but it seems to have worked.

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Raw Onions for Preventing Colds and Flu

Sb (Sc Mtns, Ca) on 01/23/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I used to get colds/flu, brochitis, ammonia etc.. ALL the time- every year like clockwork.. A turning point in my life was when RAW onions became a fav. EXTRA onions on everything, everyday- I eat alot of onions. I never get sick anymore... In fact right now, everyone I know is dropping like flies with the flu/cold and I just ate a sandwhich with half an onion on it- feeling GREAT;)
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Susan (USA) on 03/01/2004

Our friend Gail from Santa Monica, CA gave us this recipe a few years ago. It's an old Yogi remedy that will stop severe vomiting within minutes.


1. Prepare peppermint tea and allow to cool.

2. Grate an onion and squeeze the pulp through a cheese cloth (if desperate, just use a paper towel). Make 1 Tablespoon of Fresh Onion Juice.

3. Hold your nose and swallow the onion juice.

4. Follow with just 1 Tablespoon of peppermint tea. Wait ten minutes. Take another Tablespoon of peppermint tea. Wait 15 minutes.

This remedy should stop vomiting within 15 minutes, according to Gail. The peppermint tea helps to rehydrate you.


Onion Poultice for Multiple Cures

Mcgyver (Little Rock, Arkansas, Usa) on 07/23/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Onion pack is what I have always called this. The correct term is a poultice. This works well for boils, bites, infections and I even used this successfully one time cellulitis of the elbow.

Cut one whole onion into small pieces. With a mortar and pestle, mash the onion into skin and juice. Mash until all juice has been removed; however it is important the skin remain. (Perhaps a blender would work. However, this method is the way my grandmother taught me 50 years ago and I have never tried a blender.)

In a bowl, add the mashed onion. Then add flour, in very small increments, until a paste has been formed, about a medium texture. Not too dry... not too wet.

Cover the boil with a thick layer of the paste and surrounding the boil. It is not necessary to puncture the boil and recommended not to do this.

Cover the paste with a cotton (must breathe) rag, wash cloth, dish rag, gauze, etc. (depending where the boil is located) and secure with tape if necessary.

Allow the paste to completely dry. It usually takes a few hours. It will dry to a very semi hard or firm pack.

As the paste hardens, it will form suction on the boil, drawing out all of the puss. Depending on the size of the boil it may take 2 or 3 applications but usually you will see results on the first. The onion also acts as a natural antibiotic to prevent infection.

Be patient. And don't be too active or you will break the seal. Do not remove the pack prematurely. When you do, you will see the puss in a pocket on the underside of the pack. Where your boil was, there will be a small hole where the puss came through. Put antibiotic ointment over the skin and a band aide. That's it!

During this process you will feel the onion pack working. You may feel some discomfort when the skin breaks, but not for long. Again, I have used this onion pack over the years for boils, infections, bites and even cellulites of the elbow. It has never failed.

Side effects: It smells like onion and it might make you cry. :-)

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Leriejane (Seattle, Wa, Usa ) on 07/17/2010
5 out of 5 stars

If you have a cut, putting a piece of onion skin, the transparent film, onto it will stop it from bleeding immediately. I got this tip from a magazine and tried it when I cut myself chopping vegetables. The onion instantly stopped the bleeding. The cut was no longer than 1 inch, and not seriously deep, just enough to gross one out.
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Multiple Cures With Onions

Wilma (Venice, Ca) on 04/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My son was stung by a bee and a friend told me to slice an onion and put it on top of the sting. Immediately, the swelling went down. She theorizes that it pulls the venom out. It also works for mosquito bites.

Raw onion also works for burns. I burned myself once by grabbing the cast iron handle. I immediately put a slice of raw onion on for about 2 minutes and then whipped egg whites until they became stiff. I applied it onto the burn and it dried and created a egg white skin on top of the burn. Wrapped a bandage around it and went to bed. The next morning, there was no pain and no blister.

For fevers, you will need to juice a raw onion and drink about a teaspoon every hour. Also, soak a couple of egg whites around a cloth and wrap around your feet and cover with socks. Reapply as egg white becomes crusty around feet. You can also paint Lugol's iodine solution on the chest and throat. My daughter's 104.7 fever came down within half a day using this method.

Onion works with vomiting from stomach flu symptoms as well, but you will alternate one teaspoon of onion juice with teaspoon of spearmint tea every hour.

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Onion Remedy for Warts

Carol (Sea Cliff, New York) on 02/24/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I have been fighting nail fungus for about 25 years. I have tried all of the prescription meds. Penlac, which is very expensive, is the only one that sometimes works. The others did not work at all and can cause problems with the liver. I cannot wait to try the ACV treatment.

Regarding warts. My daughter had a couple when she was very young. We went to a couple of dermatologists who used the usual treatments that hurt her and did not work. I looked for a natural remedy on-line. I found an onion remedy that works everytime.

Take a small bit of onion (about the size of the wart)
crush it and place it on the wart
use tape or a bandaid to keep it on for about 24 hrs.
when you take it off, you will see that the onion actually eats through the wart and burns it off.

NOTE: only put enough onion on to cover wart or your healthy skin can get hurt.
Good luck to all
You will get a scab and when it heals the wart should be gone.

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Asmaa (Kuwait) on 01/06/2010
5 out of 5 stars


i tried this recipe from a friend's mom and it worked wonders. Peel Red Onions and make thick slices (may be say 3 or 4). Keep the slice in a bowl and put 1 tbsp sugar, then put another slice and again put 1 tbsp sugar, repeat the process until all slices are covered with sugar. Do this in the night and keep it until morning. In the morning there will be some juice in the bowl. Squeeze the onion with your hands to extract some more juice and drink it. Do it for 3 days. i got relief immediately after the first try.

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Gabriela (Pahoa, HI) on 04/23/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Onion Juice for Cancer:

"Onion Juice Therapy for Cancer is a concentrated method for absorbing as much of the beneficial elements from onions as possible, specifically for the treatment of various forms of cancer. While supported by widely recognized scholars in the Sufi tradition and practiced for centuries contemporary scientific evidence is limited outside of new studies that have proven certain varieties of onions to be much more effective than others in fighting cancer. These studies are spawning new interest in how to increase the consumption of onions in your diet and how best to administer onions in fighting cancer. The medicinal use of juices is common in {juice fasting} which is recommended for a wide variety of illnesses."

Source: http://curezone.org/forums/fmp.asp?i=1371688

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Gabriela (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 04/24/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Onion juice therapy for indigestion

Onion Juice Therapy made me aware what's going on in my body. You are supposed to drink one turkish tea glass of pure onion juice from pungent organically grown onions frist thing in the morning. After a 40 day vegetable and fruit juice fast, my digestion was still not fine. So I tried this remedy.

After the first sip I felt very sick and immediately threw up undigested food. I could drink only one sip that morning. I also spit up a lot of foam. Don't ask me what kind this was. It also burnt slightly in some specific areas of my stomach. I drank the rest of the juice then during the day which was easier as there was food in my system. Next day I could down 2 sips and felt slight burning sensations in different areas of stomach. I read that if you have strong reactions to this medicine you need it the most. So I continued and today I can drink the whole glass without problem. I have to explain that I used onion juice before mixed in fresh orange juice to cure a flu and developing bronchitis. After 2 days of drinking one large onion daily mixed in 32 oz orange juice I was fine. Since then I have great trust in the healing power of onions. I think that drinking the onion juice mixed in orange juice would be a good start for people who simply cannot put up with the pure juice. Then they can gradually decrease the amount of orange juice needed till the pure juice is tolerated. I know there is other remedies out there less difficult. I had problems with indigestion and smelly gases for so long that I really want to eliminate this problem. Undigested food might be the starting point for so many illnesses that it is to me of utmost importance to clean up this mess. I just drank one glass and it feels good when this juice cleans you up from the inside. After only 5 days in which I increased my intake every day by one sip more, I am now feeling really good with it.

I include here now the article with more detailed explanation of this remedy:


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Gabriela (Pahoa, HI) on 05/06/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have battled with weak digestion for a number of years now and having read about onion juice therapy for cancer, I decided to try it for my indigestion. I have already a high regard for the medicinal value of pungent onions as it cured my cold and bronchitis in the past. I know onion makes you alkaline, therefore treating one of the causes of illness (acidity). So when starting my onion juice treatment, I also recognized that pure onion juice makes me to see instantly what is happening in my body ( like a mirror almost) and getting rid of it right away. I drank the juice one sip at a time in the morning on an empty stomach and threw up undigested food. I was astonished that I would have undigested food still inside of me after a whole night's sleep. Now I don't eat too late anymore (I try not to eat after 6 pm, only fruit juice) as a result. I eat in more and much smaller portions during the day. I also don't mix carbohydrates with proteins as to make it easier to digest (vegetables with proteins or vegetables with carbohydrates). Together with ACV and molasses which I have learnt here to add to my food and which are definitely wonderful on a daily basis all is pretty good right now. I know it sounds pretty awful to drink pure onion juice but for me it's the fast track to health. I learnt that you use it for 40 days once a year for prevention of cancer and now I use it whenever I have any health problem. I am really happy for this site and hope this may help somebody in need. And what cheaper thing is there than an onion? Available in most parts of the world. Only the juicer might be a problem if one has none.
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Ricardo (Hollywood, FL) on 05/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I'm glad to see you're getting better results, however if all else fails what I've done to really drop my blood pressure rapidly because I've been on meds for over 15 years and I' up to 5 a day, blend a half of a white or yellow onion with about 8ozs of water and drink it. Get some rest and you will get immediate result. It will drop very close to normal. It works for me. I only do it on occasion by he way. Regularly I squeeze a half of lemon in a glass of water twice a day and it works great.

EC: Sent in response to the following post on our High Blood Pressure page:

04/06/2009: Nancy from Canon City, Colorado writes: "I was very excited to try ACV. One Tablespoon every morning has completely taken away my husband's lactose intolerance and greatly improved acid reflux.

But for my high BP--nothing. It's been going up for three years as I approached and then entered menopause. Now I'm getting consistent upper 140's over 90's and often 150's over 90's and 100's.

I've been doing 2 Tablespoon ____ ACV three times a day for three days, and one Tablespoon three times a day for two days before that. No change for five days. I'm so disappointed.

All that's left is see if time with Grape Seed Extract and Potassium will help. SO far, not even that has, but I've only done all the above for 5 days. I'm also waiting on Ecklonia cava to arrive--brown seaweed with interesting free radical and blood pressure lowering properties."

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Onions for Cough and Congestion

Willowone (Athens, GA) on 05/02/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Onions for cough and congestion: My first child was colicky and had several colds with congestion. The doctors gave him antibiotics that did not seem to help. I felt like the cold went away on its own. My grandmother told me about the onions. My second and third children never had to take antibiotics. I would take a onion or part of onion about the size of a golf ball and grate up in a bowl.Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of sugar. Cover and put in the fridge for 45 minutes. The sugar draws the syrup out of the onion. I would then take a dropper full and give to the child. It does not taste bad (try it yourself). It clears their chests and helps them sleep. I never had a problem with using it. Now when I feel like I am getting a cold I always eat more raw onions.
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Sharon (Victoria, Australia) on 11/15/2005
5 out of 5 stars

I have stumbled across a remedy for coughs and bronchitis. slice an onion and place in bowl layer with pure honey, leave sit for an hour or so, this will yield a syrup. Have a teaspoon every 15 minutes until coughing chest soreness subsides.
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Seema (UK) on 01/22/2006
5 out of 5 stars

peel one large onion and cut in in half, put a half a tablespoon of brown sugar on to each half of the onion, and cover it, let it stand for an hour. The syrup relish should be taken at least twice a day. It works wonders.
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Wendy (Sylmar, CA) on 12/29/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Slice up a brown or yellow onion and place it in a breathable bag such as a linen bag. Put it is bed near the face of the sufferer and it will stop the coughing within minutes. If the sufferer is awake, tie the bag around the neck and lie down on the couch with eyes closed. I thank God for the wonderful herbs He gives us to help our sicknesses!
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Sharon (Victoria, Australia) on 11/15/2005
5 out of 5 stars

I have stumbled across a remedy for coughs and bronchitis. slice an onion and place in bowl layer with pure honey, leave sit for an hour or so, this will yield a syrup. Have a teaspoon every 15 minutes until coughing chest soreness subsides.
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Janet (NYC) on 07/04/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I think onions are without a doubt the main cause of bad underarm body odor. I made this discovery years ago when working in an office. Every few days, the receptionist would start reeking by mid-day. It was so bad you didn't want to stand anywhere near her. I decided I had to say something (no one dared too). She was completely mortified, but identified the onions on hamburgers that she ate as the culprit. She stopped eating onions and never had a problem again. I also start to reek if I eat onions 2 days in a row. I think this is the issue for people with bad BO... get rid of the onions!