Lugol's Iodine Treatment for Supplementing With Lugol's Iodine


Paula (Pa, US) on 02/10/2015:
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Bill and Alice,

I started out with 2 drops of iodine twice a day because I had taken another iodine previously which did not produce the benefits promised by Lugols. I also started ACV at the same time and began having diarrhea. I have colitis and have to follow a diet which had cured the diarrhea I had had for 20 years. I assumed the ACV had caused the diarrhea. After a week without it, I'm still getting diarrhea in pretty substantial amounts, even using Lugols at 1 or 2 drops a day.

Alice, not trying to pry, but have your gut issues been affected by Lugols, if you have used it as you described? And have you experienced the promised benefits? And Bill, I noticed your comment about Iodoral being good for those with gut issues. I used Iodoral for years without noticing much benefit, while having the stomach problems, that is, before I found the diet which cleared them up. So I don't know if the Iodoral helped or hurt. I use all the recommended companion nutrients, though I have not heard of the salt loading before. I'm not anxious to use the turpentine, since it is supposed to have a laxative effect.

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