Lugol's Iodine Treatment for Lugol's Iodine Side Effects


Leslie T (Usa) on 09/19/2017:
0 out of 5 stars

I am taking Iodine, 8-10 drops a day, 5% Lugols, along with other things Bill Thompson suggested. Any way, every time I take it I feel ice cold for an hour or two. I would like to have some suggestions on how to minimize this.
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Anonymous (US) on 01/09/2016:
0 out of 5 stars

Dear Bill Thompson,

I started taking Lugol's Iodine Plus on the suggestion of two doctors. For about 6-8 weeks I took 20 drops with no ill effects. Motherearth labs suggested I go up to 30 drops and then to 40. One day I sudddenly had excruciating pain in all my upper teeth (12 on a scale of 1-10) My mouth also got badly swollen and I had other side effects.

No doctors or dentists could figure it out. It was agonizing. The pain (not the swelling) seemed to diminish in the morning, but would quickly reoccur a few hours after waking. I took the iodine shortly awakening. For some reason I decided to research side effects of Lugol's...and sure enough, severe tooth pain, mouth swelling, and other symptoms listed as " your doctor immediately..."

By this time I had already had the symptoms for 3 weeks. I keep a medical journal, and sure enough, the day after I went from 20 drops to about 25 drops, the symptoms appeared. And by that time I had slowly worked up to 40 drops over a period of 3 weeks. I stopped the iodine immediately, and the next day the pain went from a 12 to about a 4. Over the next 3 days the pain level went down to a 1 or 2, but would sometimes, for no reason, flair back up to a 4/5.

After being off the iodine for more then a week, I still had the tooth pain and swollen mouth. I then looked up Iodine poisoning and realized that is what had apparently happened to me. I called my Internest, who had me come in immediately and he did several tests. The results have not yet come back. It is more than 10 days since I stopped taking the iodine and I still have tooth pain ranging from 1 to 5 on a scale of 1-10, and my mouth is still swollen. Narcotics(large amounts) and other pain meds - presciption and OTC drugs have done nothing for the pain. I am miserable. How much longer are these symptoms going to continue and is there anything I can do to get rid of the pain and swelling. I'm desperate...please respond ASAP Thanks.

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