Activated Charcoal for Jaw Bone Infection

5 star (1) 

Faith (Tacoma) on 03/22/2016:
5 out of 5 stars

Activated Charcoal For Jaw Bone Infection

Activated charcoal has amazing power to absorb thousands of times its own weight in gases, heavy metals, poisons, and other chemicals. It has no side effects .

I was very ill with unknown illness 2 years to find the cause. It was a jaw bone infection. I had it after oral surgery, a fistula formed and the infection moved to front of my mouth and my temple was swollen. My MD gave me some stuff but I had a reaction to it. I decided to just mix charcoal with distilled water and pack into the infected areas mouth did this daily for several hours I also went to bed with a poultice in my mouth I put a towel over my pillow I made a poultice for my swollen temple . It was nothing short of miraculous I was healed! I also took a bunch of Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), collodial silver, garlic and oregano oil and mega vitamin C.

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