Emergency Castor Oil Packs

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Susan (Usa) on 08/25/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

I heard of people using menstral pads. Load it up with castoral and it sticks to the skin

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Katzie (Calgary) on 08/29/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

On vacation? Don't have any flannel, plastic wrap, maybe you don't have a hot water bottle? If you cannot make up a castor oil pack in the usual manner, I know of an alternate method.

While on vacay in Mexico, I got some sort of rash on the inside elbow of my right arm. After 3 days of throwing everything I had at it, the darn thing was still there. I also did not have my usual supplies with me - so I improvised.

I used my dog's "pee pads", y'know, those blue & wavy cotton pressed sheets. I cut out an area to cover the area, added a bunch of castor oil, put it on the rash, and since I did not have plastic wrap or a hot water bottle, I simply used my left hand as a heat source and left it there for 20 mins (the plastic wrap is purely for messiness reasons and is not strictly necessary). A few hours later that rash was gone!

So in short, your dog's pee-pads WILL work just fine!! I so glad I remembered that tip and so wanted to share!

Health & healing, everyone!!

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