ACV Side Effects for Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects

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Ruthie (Miramar, Fl, Usa) on 02/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been taking 1 to 2 tablespoonfuls of ACV in apple juice per day on and off. I noticed that within a few days of taking ACV my skin gets very, very dry, and at time it gets quite scaly. So I discontinue taking it and my skin improves almost immediately. Do other people have this problem with their skin while on ACV and if so how do they solve it? I would like to continue taking ACV to lower my blood pressure.

This problem with dry skin reminds me of a time when I had too much vitamin A from fish oil. In fact the fine print on a cod liver oil bottle warns people against takikng too much oil because of excessive Vitamin A and the problems with dry skin. I quit taking cod liver oil a year ago, so the dry skin problem is from ACV. I also take herbal tea, such as Chinese blood pressure tea and nettle tea. Do you think that these teas in combination with ACV would dry the skin? Thanks.


Special01 (Indianapolis, In, Usa) on 12/12/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Do parasites exit the body through the feet? I am taking Apple Cider Vinegar and my feet are swollen.

Flemmie Kittrell (New Rochelle, Ny ) on 03/01/2004:
0 out of 5 stars

I am trying apple cider vinegar while still on meds and its been a scary ride. I hear experiences that blood pressures immediately go down. Well mine immediately spikes up.... This last bout perhaps I should have paced better: before breakfast approx 9 and before lunch approx 1:30 (and during the lunch instead of the tablespoon I had been taking I followed instructions from the blog to do two teaspoons which is a bit more. I felt was immediately going into some type of type of physical shock with body constrictions even around my heart. My pressure went from 134/92 (trying to get lower down) to 169/99/101. I was flushing. My heart was pounding (not rapidly... Just hard. Was it because I took little extra? was it because dosage was too close or because I am still on Norvasc 2.5 and when it cleans the body of toxins its including the Norvasc and the body is going into withdrawal shock and that because Nor. is a calcium blocker and that ACV has all the minerals.... Any ideas... I was in a scary place for 4 hrs... Didn't know where this was going or what damge it was causing.... FEEDBACK PLEASE!!!

Pam (Marlborough, Ct, Usa) on 12/03/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi I have tried the Apple Cider Vinegar and it works well for my hands that I have been having problems with but, it gives me a lot of gas. I take it with water, does anyone have this problem or a suggestion to make it not as gassy thanks, Pam

Ixst4now (Lethbridge, Ab) on 11/13/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi, I just started taking Apple Cider Vinegar about four days ago. I have never had a problem with body odour before but tonight I have noticed the Apple Cider Vinegar smell coming from me. Is this to be expected? Why is it happening and and how does it work?'

Thank you,


Anil (Newburgh, New York) on 10/30/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi All. I'm also hypothyroid. Taking synthroid for YEARS. Have tried almost all of them (thyrolar worked until they changed formulation about 6 years ago). Anyway, I will try Armour or dessicated since most of you are on it. As for ACV: had used a few times with no problems. Then I mixed it with distilled water trying to do a 2 day fast. The headache was so severe that nothing including eating or migraine med worked for it. Awoke with headache again next day but did eat all during the day. The ACV made me feel like I had the flu and I was itchy - detoxing me???

By day three, however, I was fine. I have been using the mixture (although not always with distilled water) and am not having any more symptoms. I'm waiting to see the benefits -been on this daily for a week. My Grandma swore by ACV, lived to 96 years and hadn't been to a doctor in over 40 years. I lost about 4 pounds the first two days but now that seems to have stopped and I have the usual bloated look. That's dissapointing because I am taking ACV to lose weight as well as general good health.

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Ali (Newry, United Kingdom) on 10/23/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello All, found this site few weeks ago & am loving it. Started on ACV, it having all the good stuff in it, ie, Organic & Mother! Thing is, since I started my sleep patterns, which were very bad, are now impossible. The only things I have changed in my diet (which is good) is my introducing ACV & Coconut Oil. Sleep won't come. Any thoughts?

Marilyn (Oswego, Il) on 10/02/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I take 1 tab. Of Apple Cider Vinegar a day for about a year now. But am having bleeding problems. My blood is not clotting fast enough when cut or injury. Could this be from the ACV. PLEASE someone help and answer me, I am 61 and scared. Thank you for any help.

Bg (Columbus, Oh) on 09/30/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I tried the Apple Cider Vinegar drink; 2 teaspoons in grapefruit juice, 2 x a day.... It constipated me so badly I could not believe it... When I finally 'went' it was the bursting of the dam, so to speak.... I stayed off it for 2 weeks, then back on, again the same thing happened.... Again, off 2 weeks, then tried a THIRD time; same results... I have no idea why this is happening, but am afraid I'll never be able to use the ACV drink again.. Any thoughts? or similar experiences?? I am really shocked that this happened to me....

Sara (Mumbai, India) on 09/25/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Hi Ted I was drinking 2tbsp of ACV in 8 ounces of water 2 times a day. Now my both knees have started paining a lot- its too painful 2 walk pls rply as to why this problem has occured was I using the correct amt of water n ACV.
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