Rabies Shot Side Effects, Cats for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

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Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".


Rabies Shot Side Effects, Cats for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

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Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

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Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".


Rabies Shot Side Effects, Cats for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

 View Entire Thread


Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

 View Entire Thread


Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".


Deirdre (North Attleboro, Ma) on 01/01/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

I have an indoor 3 yr. Old Burmese cat. He had his yearly vaccines including Rabies on 12/8/11. He seemed ok for a couple of days and then his appetite when downhill and his spark was gone... He stopped stalking the other cats and acting like the head honcho (His normal behavior). I observed him for a while, hoping things would change and fed him whatever I could get him to eat; chicken, tuna (I usually give him Innova Reduced Fat can in the a.m. And same thing at night, but the dry formula)... He never has trouble with meal time. He was drinking his water, but he still was not his usual spunky self. My vet was on vacation so I brought him to a new vet.(12/21/11)..he checked him out and said he appears fine, but he did have a 1 lb weight loss (in just 2 weeks! ... Maybe a scale difference?) He did observe what appeared to probably be a scratch above his eye(from one of my other kitties), he syringed a sample of the fluid and found nothing. I have the same concerns and bring him back on 12/21/11 the Dr. Does a full senior blood profile (including thyroid, just to cover ALL the bases. ) He also does a urine test.... He finds nothing at all. It is now 12/30/11 and I notice another spot of hair loss over his other eye.... Definitely not a scratch, completely bald, but with little prick marks on the skin??? My cat is not scratching constantly and is not being attacked by the other kitties. His appetite is still the same... I may get one meal of chicken or tuna into him a day and he will only eat off the floor and not out of his dish. He is NOT himself, but I am managing to keep him roughly fed & hydrated. It is now 1/1/12 the Vet is closed and I will be calling him first thing in the a.m. Do any of these combined symptoms sound familiar to anyone? I hope my cat is not getting Alopecia from having been to the Vet 3 times in the last month and getting blood & urine tests :-( I am suffering as long as my lil guy is suffering... Any advice would be welcomed, thanks!

Meowmeow (Franklin, Ma) on 12/14/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My 17 year old male cat had a bad reaction to the rabies shot. A little history about him: He is an indoor domestic short hair cat. He has generally been healthy his whole life, until he was 14. At 14 he was treated for hyperthyroidism with radio-iodine therapy. Last January he was diagnosed with 3rd degree AV block. He was started on Theophylline, but within a month began to have a really bad reaction to it. His medication was changed to Turbutaline (one-quarter of a pill every other day) and he has been doing okay on that for the past 10 months (he has had no pass-outs or dizziness).

He was given his rabies shot yesterday and within 15 minutes, he was unable to walk straight, falling over and began panting. The panting only lasted for about a minute and the dizziness has seemed to subside, but since yesterday, he will not come out of his cat cube house bed (he stays in there when he is not feeling well). After he had the reaction yesterday, I thought back and it was last December when he had his rabies shot too. I don't remember him having a reaction last year to it, but within 2 weeks of his shot, he began to show the signs of 3rd degree AV block. I don't believe that the rabies shot caused the AV block, but I don't think that it has helped either. He is still not feeling well and if he survives this episode, he will NEVER be getting another rabies or distemper shot.


Diana (West Newbury, Ma) on 10/20/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am so happy to have found this website to try and figure out what has happened to our 20 yr old cat after having a rabies shot one week ago... Flower had lost a pound since her last checkup 6 mo ago. We had her ears treated for allergies and had her nails clipped. The vet told us that she was overdue for her rabies vaccine so we had it done. That night I noticed that she was very weak and acting strangely, distant and quiet, sleeping all the time... Now a week and a half later she is staggering and walking with her front legs crossing and rear end tipping to one side.

For the last 24 hrs we have thought that she is ready to pass away maybe from a stroke or some illness not identified but having just read everything I can about vaccines, I think that the rabies shot has caused this terrible thing to happen to this sweet animal! She's dazed, confused, crying which she seldom does, vomiting but nothing in her belly. I'm not sure if she is seeing clearly... She is dropping her head into her water bowl and not eating a thing... I am calling the vet as soon as it opens today... But I am afraid it has permanently harmed her. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me... I pray there is something the vet can do to turn this around... Her age is against her... it's a shame and never had to happen.


Catera (Midwest City, Ok/united States) on 10/13/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I am sorry, I now know what I thought was impossible. Two siblings, a boy and a girl got their shots. The girl vomited for a week then starting losing weight fast and stopped eating. Her gums and ears turned yellow (liver problem). Shortly after, her brother started having the same symptoms. He was put on anti-biotics. He hasn't gotten better, won't eat, won't defecate, won't move, won't pee, nothing. We are saddened that tomorrow we take him to be euthanized because his liver is failing. His sister, however, is finally eating small amounts and getting slowly better. This is atrocious!

 View Entire Thread


Mike (Bourbonnais, Il/usa) on 10/04/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My cat has a Rabies Vaccine Injury. She is now over 50% paralyzed and can barely walk. She stumbles around and is uncoordinated. She developed a neuro-muscular/ neurological disease from the Rabies Vaccine. She is very Lethargic, has an 'autistic blank looking stare' and has major behavior changes such as being very fearful & agression at times. They analyzed her and found she has partial blindness. So far my vet just started giving her Steroid Injections and liquid Benadryl for treatment. This is only a starting therapy and won't fix the problem, but is better than nothing. The vet won't officially admit that it is a 'Vaccine Related Injury' but I know it is.

What is a homeopathic/ herbal / vitamin / misc. Remedy that you can recommend for my cat. I need to know what herbs are SAFE to feed my cat and which are TOXIC to feed my cat, and what symptoms they may help with. I've heard about possible acupunture, to help with the neurological problems that the vaccine caused, but what other treatments are out there?? I have searched the net but couldn't find anything specific....[Mike]


Jp (Escondido, Ca. Usa) on 08/30/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

large cat started haveing lose stools with blood & musis other than that happy & fine took to vet had him checked out vet said he was healthy & ok than they gave him a rabies shot about two days after that he started down hill within 20 days he could not eat or drink with in that peroid. I took him to see another vet I was told that it was too late he could not be a hero today. Cat could not eat drink or breath. Swollen limpnods and thyroid, throut, water sounding lungs could not even hear cat breathing-had to put him down to stop the pain.

Ravenquille (High In The Mountains, Pa) on 08/17/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I had one of my cats die in a few days after getting his first Rabies shot. After that, I no longer vaccinate, or use any traditional medications for my cats ( I use diet and naturopathic, natural measures only ). Any kind of vaccine is dangerous to both man and beast; it is always best to avoid them altogether.
REPLY   1      

Nancy (Sebastopol, Ca) on 08/01/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

I took my two cats (8 years and 10 years) to the Sonoma County Humane Society Hospital for their rabies shot. My healthy 10-year old cat died within an hour. She appeared to be in wretched pain, vomiting, crying, unable to hold her head up..... She was poisoned by the bad vaccine. If I'd know that it is not necessary to give an indoor-outdoor cat the rabies vaccine (very low risk of rabies in this area), I would not have done so. I feel horribly guilty for my uninformed decision. My other cat was fine (different vial of vaccine) It's been heartbreaking. My regular vet said that in his 28 years of practice, he's never known an animal to die from a rabies shot.

Denise (Griffin, Ga/ Usa) on 06/12/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

My himalayn was vaccinated for rabies yesterday. She has been lethargic won't eat or drink I had not taken her to the vet for over 5 years because of this. She had a very bad reaction the first time. I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to take her back for fear of further damage.

Denese (Cumming, Georgia, Usa) on 05/05/2011:
0 out of 5 stars

Hello. I adopted a 3 yr old Himalayan/persian mix cat from animal control and she was fine when I brought her home. Two weeks after I first adopted her I took her in for a rabies shot. Within 4 days after the rabies vaccination she began vomiting pretty chronically.

Dr's were never able to link the vomiting to the rabies shot, but thought she may have IBD or some type of unknown lymphoma? At any rate, she just passed away the other day and had gone into severe renal failure.

I took her over to UGA where a Dr. has performed a complete necropsy, and we are waiting on some more definitive answers as to what Apple's problems were..

The brand name of the vaccine I remember was called "Fort Dodge".

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