I see that someone asked if avocados are toxic to dogs.
My response is a resounding no based on my experience. Back when I was in middle school and high school I had a boxer who was free to roam the neighborhood because that was in the days before fences around swimming pools. On occasion my mother would find avocados buried in her flower beds and large potted plants. For a whild we had a crew of workers doing major landscape work at our house. The foreman reported that he saw my dog routinely go to a neighbors house and jump up and pull avocados off low branches. The dog would then bring them home and bury them for a while. Later the workers noticed the dog digging up avocados he had burried and eat them. They said they even saw him eat as many as seven in one day. Of course, we wondered why there would be some evenings when he was not hungry. It is no wonder that he was not hungry after eating several avocados. Through it all my dog was a very healthy dog. For this reason I do not believe that avocados are toxic to dogs.
My cat was about 6 weeks old and I fed her some mashed avocado that I was using to prepare guacamole. About 45 minutes later she began acting very lethargic and inactive. Keep in mind, she's a crazy ninja kitty. So the lack of energy was a shock. I called an animal poison control and was told that avo fruit can cause digestive problems in cats & dogs, mainly because of high fat/oil content. There is a toxin concentrated in the skin/pit of avocado, that is also present in a more complex form in the fruit. Apparently dogs & cats have a mild sensitivity to the toxin in the fruit. The skin and pits however are dangerous (i.e. animal chews through skin for fruit.) Horses, goats, cows, etc.. are even more sensitive to the toxin and can even sicken from exposure to fruit.