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Question Regarding Turmeric for Dogs

Dorothy (Hicksville, Ny) on 03/19/2018

Hi everyone, we have a black pug that is approximately 11 years old. About 2 to 3 months ago we noticed a wound on his chest from scratching as he has terrible allergies. It seems to have manifested into the deep open wound which I have been treating with chlorhexidine Wipes, Betadine, and triple antibiotic cream. The wound became more shallow and looked wonderful. Then my father-in-law had caught pneumonia and I unfortunately was unable to keep up with the treatments on my pug. As of last night I noticed that the wound became deeper and is purulent. There is some nasty looking tough grayish soft tissue which I have been trying to debrid. Now I have also discovered a small wound on the pad of his foot. I believe that this has developed from him scratching. I’ve read on here that Tumeric was fantastic and helping MRSA and dogs. I was wondering if they should be made into a paste and placed directly on the wound Or sprinkled on the food to be taken internally? Also, does anyone know if I can do a culture and sensitivity test to see if it may respond to antibiotics? I have included some pictures that were taken about four weeks ago. That’s when it was looking pretty good. Any information anyone has will be greatly appreciated! 👍🏻❤️

Thank you everybody for your input!


Ted's Staph Remedy - Question For Theresa

Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 03/06/2015

Hi, Theresa --- I have a question re Ted's treatment for staph. My big dog is in need of it but I hesitate as H202 will ruin his coat which is a rich black satin with waves and curls.

What can I use instead of H202 and still get results? Hope to hear from you. He is very itchy and his tail was bleeding. That is where mites and bacteria seem to persist.

Namaste, Om


Dogs and Mrsa (New Page Created in Pets Section, Thank You!)

Fbdog (Chicago, IL) on 08/25/2009

My little 10 yr old dog was cultured with MRSA. Our holistic vet is trying something that she has never done before, but it will not be as hard on his kidneys as the injectable antibiotic. Hope this works, he has been through so much and has been so good with the nebulaizer.