Garlic for Skin

5 star (2) 

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Ann (Chapel Hill, NC) on 07/15/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic has been great for my 10 lb., 4 1/2 yr. old Shih Tzu/Poodle mix. I rescued Charlie nearly two years ago. When originally rescued by the rescue group, he was covered in oozing, bleeding hot spots. The poor little guy is highly allergic to flea bites and has a host of allergy problems. The crap on the market that passes for anti-flea and tick medicine that you place between the dog's shoulder blades was costing me a fortune; I applied the medication twice per month and he would have a flea on him 2-3 days later. He was on prednisone to relieve the horrible itching and scratching. He really suffered (and so did I, because I couldn't figure out what to do to help him). In March, I started feeding him one clove of garlic in his daily, evening meal (minced through a garlic press and stirred into his dog food). It's mid July and my sweetie has had no fleas or horrible scratching problems. Okay, he still scratches occasionally (like I said, he has plenty of allergy problems), but believe me, he doesn't have a hot spot on him and he is one healthy and happy dog.

Charlie also had very highly-concentrated, yellow urine (doctor tests him regularly and has found no problem) - he said some dogs have stronger smelling urine than others. Charlie's urine was really strong. After 4 1/2 months of being on garlic, Charlie's urine no longer has that foul odor to it. AMAZING!


Jan (Niwot, CO) on 11/04/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I have 4 cocker spaniels. Anyone who has had cockers knows they have ear problems. Also they are prone to skin conditions. I had 2 previous cockers one that skin condition so bad at 8 years old.........she got so sick and died. The other I spent a fortune on medications again and lived to 7. I bought a very healthy male and female at 6 weeks old. Waited to make sure they had no skin or health problems. Of course they were on otomax every other month That's the ear thing. We breed them and had a litter of pups. We kept 2 of them. One of them has severe ear and skin problems. All of a sudden the Mom started the skin problem. Again vet bills on medications. I have changed food so many times figuring allergy. I finally went to a no-grain dog food. The ears and skin cleared up , but it kept reacurring every couple months. I finally did 2 days of searching on the internet. They are still on the no grain dog food........but, I am adding a teaspoon of chopped garlic packed in water to their dinner meal. Also a few squirts of flaxseed oil, and a little powdered Acidophilis. We keep treating a condition and not getting to the root!!! After 4 days.and a bath 2x a week with Selsum blue shampoo. my baby that has had problems all her life (3 years) does not scratch any more. great skin and coat. and no more bad ears!!!! The other three have had same diet and they are amazingly more happy and active. They don't scratch anymore either!!! I know it's the garlic!!! It is the best natural medication there is!!!! They all weight about 20 pounds each..........and for 3 weeks side effects except i can sleep with out my bed shaking from dogs scratching , licking feet and shaking their heads!
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