Garlic for Infection

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Lyn (San Diego, Ca) on 10/25/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

My dog suffered from food allergies, scratching, loose stool, and anal glands which needed to be regularly expressed were some of the symptoms. I finally found a holistic vet who got me to put her on a raw food diet and give her enzymes to ease the transition and sure enough she is no longer scratching, her stool is normal and we have not needed to get her anal glands expressed! I would highly recommend this for all dogs who suffer from food allergies!

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Lilly (Margate, FL) on 07/19/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic (__________) cured a bad infection in my dog, 2 capsules at night the infection and swelling was gone by morning. I used the ____ garlic supplement and contunue to give it to her daily. She is a 65lb pit bull that I use to think was allergic to fleas but since she is now flea free, she continues to scratch herself w/her back legs till she tears open the skin, I have an e-collar on her to keep her from chewing holes in her skin but now she uses her back feet and did considerable damage, her neck was dripping blood w/a huge knot the size of an avacado it was so infected I almost took her to the emergency pet hospital but decided to clean it up w/peroxide and neem oil then give her 2 capsules of the ___ garlic extract instead and glad I did because the infection and swelling was gone by morning, I continue to give it to her and even give her fresh garlic when I have it but it has not had any ill effects on her and she does not smell or have foul breath, she scratches lightly every now and again but not to the effect that she was so I will try to take the e-collar off her and see how she does, I also use the neem oil as a flea repellant, it must be working, her bald spots are filling in again.
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