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Alli (Roswell ) on 05/17/2017:
My husband has been giving all of our dogs minced garlic in their food (1/4 tsp for the Chihuahuas and a full tsp for our lab mix) a few times a week for years. Our first dog that died did so due to old age at 14 years. Had her since a puppy. No fleas, no ticks and no intestinal worms and not one has ever tested positive for heart worms. Fresh uncooked garlic stay away from.
After my Lab/shep mix died, I was a mess and found out I was killing my best friend slowly. sob.
I found out too late about Fresh garlic and wheat free dog foods .
Over vaccinating dogs = renal failure. Horrible dog food= renal failure.
Frontline Heartgaurd= renal failure.
My surviving dog is a shep/husky and is thriving on a clove of minced garlic mixed into wheat-free dog food, then she gets REAL people food in the form of 'Leftovers': Mashed potatoes, Asparagus, spinach etc...
The fresh garlic clove once every 2 days 1TBLS-ACV (apple cider vinegar) in water bowel has saved me so much money and pain.
My dog is THRIVING on garlic and a bit of ACV. No more scratching.
I give my 95 lb. Golden Retriever a full teaspoon of minced garlic in his food every morning. I have only seen 1 tick on him that was not yet into his skin, but only crawling on his fur. I also do Frontline Plus for flea prevention, but in Houston, nothing ever dies. The vet says he is very healthy. I found him as a stray and back then he was coated with fleas and ticks. Not anymore, and I believe it's due to the garlic!
I routinely use 1(med) clove of garlic in a 2 litre stewpot that yeilds 72 oz of dog food. consisting of 2 cups brown rice, 2-3 small potatoes, 3 carrots, 1 tbsp rosemary, 1 stalk celery, 1tbsp basil, 1/4 can chick peas, 1 med zucchini, or broccoli and two apples, I sometimes include 1/8 cup cottage cheese, to this I add' a ratio of 1/3 pureed mixture of either beef or chicken liver, chicken gizards and hearts. In additional after cooked I sprinkle in 2 tbsp of a 2:1 ratio of calcium/phosphorus supplement, which also includes proteins, fats,vitamins, minerals and advanced micro -nutrients. Am I overdoing it by adding the calcium vitamin supplement?