Ear Mites for Dr. Bronner's Liquid Soap

5 star (1) 

Lady (Milwaukee, Wi) on 05/07/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Remember the liquid soap sold in health food concerns back in the hippie days? The one w/ writting covering the entire label w/ talk about God? Dr. B's All One? Came in Pepermint, Almond, and now I have been using the excelllent LAVENDER. (Bronner). I mixed a bit w/ water and gently cleansed my cat's ears of mite debris and massaged the suds in his ears and all around his ears, really making it a good experience for him! LAVENDER is helping... He is perked up and no twiching so far. I shall continue this as needed throughout the summer and whenever he needs it!! It's GREAT!
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