Dog Mange Cure for Borax and Peroxide User Reviews

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Pitbull Love4ever (Tampa, Fl) on 10/17/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I just want to leave a review. The borax, peroxide solution you put up worked wonders for my dog. His infection was so bad that he came to a halt. I finally had took him in because I finally had the money. His infection was caused by allergies to birds food (chicken, fowl) once we change him to the bison taste of the wild, his antibiotics, steroid wipes he was completely healed.

If the people trying this solution and it doesn't completely go away it's probably because the infection spread to many layers of the skin and needs the medications to help. My pet has sensitive skin so any insect bite, grass etc will cause to flare up. So he is on hydroxyzine once a day to maintain. For those who can afford meds use .thank you so much for the beginning part of his treatment. It was a blessing.


Waleed (Pakistan) on 10/14/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Hey, my girl is really ithcy during the summers and she keeps chewing her legs, paws, and the back of her body, also really bad itching on the belly. She doesn't have hair loss nor are their are some sort of patches, the skin on her legs (some parts) is sort of blue, I have treated her with lots of medicated shampoes and other vet prescribed stuff, but nothing works. I can't figure out if it's mange or allergies? Also her skin smells too, maybe that's due to the chewing. Please guide.

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Celso (Philadelphia, Pa ) on 10/07/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Just wanted to say ... I took my dog to the vet .. and the skin scraping didn't reveal having mange.... but all of a sudden the brown crust from my dog's anal area started moving its way up his body .... and I have 4 other dogs itching crazy ... I used this treatment about 2 days ago on all the dogs .. their skin went back to a mild pink from a bright red..... the itching has stopped about 75% .... so far so good ... thanx ted ;)

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Lynn (San Diego, Ca) on 09/26/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I found Mange cure two weeks ago.

Within a week my bulldog puppy's itching stopped 85%!! It was a miracle! Thank you so much Ted and everyone!!! We have been through a hellish time for 6 months!!

My puppy had a adverse reaction to her last puppy shot. She became worn out and not her self for 3 days. We gave her some homeopathic Sulfur which got her back to her puppy self and energy but she started the itching then.

She had ear issues when I got her and so she was having some issues maybe from vaccines or DNA or something before.

I had her on raw dog food and probiotics.

What ever happened her immune system could not keep the balance and about 2 months after the last vaccine she started not only itching but now breaking the skin and getting sores. A down hill slide started to happen to her skin. The regular vet said she had awful allergies.

(I wish I had know about the possiblity of mange I could have help her before as in her immune couldn't keep the mites, fugus, and yeast away till she got stronger)

I started two weeks ago using the mange cure exactly as prescribed. I do it every other day as my little bulldog had it so bad. Around her eye and whole side of face, under the chin looked like red elephant trunk skin! Her neck down over her shoulders she would scratch bloody all the area's and was lossing hair. She was living in a turtleneck Tee shirt and a soft cone. This was going on for about 5 months!! She looked like the kind of dogs they put down.

(Does anyone know how long before the elepant skin will become normal? It is better and the swelling is down)

I had her scraped by a regular not natural vet. when someone finally suggested it and they found no mange. But finally I realized if it looks like mange and smells like mange it is mange! Not sure what everyone was thinking that I had consulted with natural people in the pet industry at natural pet stores etc. They didn't recognize mange either. But just the hint from the vet made me go look for a natural cure on mange and found you TED!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

She also was so yeasty. Smelling like cornchips. Feet biting, ear red and blotchy. A mess. I did natural cure with raw food diet and a raw goat milk fermented with buttermilk culture for 6 months. But only got worse on the skin but though other things inside her got better, occasional wetting, rusty stuff around her vulva and mucus in throat. All that is gone now.

I didn't realize that mange, yeast and staph and other opportunistic things where adding to the problems of her immune system being off. I thought the nutritional and homeopathic meds were enough and didn't know I had to do out side things. Like a woman's yeast infection needs on going washes. Till the body can catch up.

My puppy lost her energy. This went on from age 6 months to now a year!

I found Mange cure two weeks ago.

Within a week her itching stopped 85%!! It was a miracle!

In these last 3 weeks I have added all kinds of food base nutritional things to her diet, new homepathics and used Dr. Becker's vet on Dr. Marcolas web.. "Yeast infection in dogs" site.

I made up a solution to spray 1-2 times aday.

1 cup Hydrogen Peroxide, 1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 gallon distilled water, 1/4 cup colloidal silver and optional lavender or peppermint 10 drops or less. Also I added a little borax for the mange.

I spray her down with this morning and night when I haven't done the Mange Cure that day.

I also dip her feet morning and night in the water, vinegar and Hydrogen Peroxide mentioned by Dr. Becker. Sometime more if she is biting them! I also powder her with organic cornstarch to dry her webs in feet and underarms out.

We are finally finding Peace. What a wonderful thing!!!

I also have been going to a homeopathic friend who is a expert. She guided me along and we have been treating her for 6 months. We finally broke through to deeper levels. It is like peeling off layers of an onion. Some of the major helps in remedies were homeopathic, Psorium, Phosphoricum, Tuberculium, And the best ones where...Mercury Corrosivus 30 c up to 10 M. but because she was right sided and had throat issues major was Mercurius Iodatus Flavus for her. Again we had to keep uping the does over a months time from 30 c to 10 M. Mercury has a strong smell sometimes metallic and are very sensitive! My friend noticed the smell and when we looked up the symptoms for skin it matched perfectly. We were on are way. My puppy also wanted to be warm all the time. Even though her body was so hot. (I thought she needed Sulfur because of that they are hot)

The best remedy for most dogs' skin is Sulfur but she was too sick and it took more layers and remedies to help her. Finally she started manifesting the full on symptoms of Sulfur. She was now avoiding hot and wanted to be cool! And of course the skin issues. And worse baths or water. And very lazy sleeping all the time but wakes up with other dogs or people. Sulphur are very social. I give her the Sulphur 30 once or so a day as needed you can tell by symptoms..itching attacks for us. And once a week we added Psorium which helps get the deeper issue that Miasim..(google homeopathy and Miasims)

So having given that about 3 weeks ago and now 2 weeks ago the mange and yeast cure we are on our way to health!! Finally!!!!

I know this is lots of info but it if helps you great. Get a good natural vet who does homeopathy if you can find one. I couldn't in my town and had to do what I could. They are out there though and now I do know of a few nearby. Just don't need them now. Learned the hard

I am so thankful for Ted and all the others on Earth Clinic!!!!!! Blessings,


PS this was the first dog I had had in 25 years. Dogs didn't used to have so many issues. But now you need a degree in Dog medicine to know how to handle all the eeidemic of issues. Thank God for the new interest, with raw food and people like you on Earth Clicnic to help us.

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Mrsjvr (Eastern Cape, South Africa) on 09/08/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I am generally a sceptic of natural remedies but am so glad that I gave this incredible mange treatment a try. It really works. Our 4 month old border collie contracted mange from her mother. We since discovered several other pups from the same "breeder" also had it. We understood vet treatment could be very expensive and prognosis variable so decided to try alternative methods and found the borax and peroxide recipe.

Our girl was in a terrible state, red raw patches which were scabby and bleeding on her face, neck, legs which then spread to her hind quarter. She was very unhappy and had no spark in her at all. I started the recipe without much hope. I applied the mix twice a week and after a month saw signs of improvement in her skin and some hair growth returning.

I reread the instructions and realised she really needed to be completely drenched, especially as her coat was so thick the spray wasn't fully getting to her skin. It has taken over 10 weeks but the change has been incredible. She now has a long, glossy coat and is a happy, playful little puppy. I will keep going with spraying bedding and bathing her for a while longer just to ensure this horrible condition is fully abolished but I would like to say a huge thanks. A sceptic has been converted!

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Cindy (Pa) on 07/07/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

Just a note to say that I used Ted's recipe in my dog. Bathed her twice, two days in a row, and her mange was taken care of. I was very impressed with its success and recommend it to any who find their dogs with mange.

When your best friend your dog has mange, it is frightening and it spreads so fast that you feel helpless to stop it and it hurts to see your friends in such distress and quickly getting worse.

Thank you for sharing this inexpensive remedy. I am more than grateful.


Ernie (Naples, Fla) on 06/28/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

My Corgi Jack is 12 years old and he had mange so bad we thought he was dying. After months and months and hundreds of Vet dollars I stumbled upon Ted's cure. It's been a couple months and Jack who used to be one solid patch of scabs is like 90% cleared up. He's perky again and I am so thankful for coming upon this cure. I plan on using it a couple more weeks and going to the Vet so they can look at him. He is so much better, this treatment works PERIOD!!!!!

Thank you for all the info.

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Leeniemud (Jessieville, Ar) on 06/25/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

After taking Newbie to the vet his skin scrape came back negative for mites. He was diagnosed w/a skin infection and and is on antibiotics. As for the sore on his tail, it looks like some kind of bite. As for pokie, I will keep up w/the baths and dipping for a few more weeks and his paws look a little better. Thanx for the reply Theresa

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Penelope (Gun Barrel City,Texas) on 05/13/2015:
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I started treating my 6 year old German Shepherd Dog with Ted's wonderful mange cure two weeks ago. He has had six treatments in total. Immediately after the first treatment I could tell he felt so much better. He ran around the yard chasing his kitties up trees and barking like a young puppy again. Despite his improved attitude he is still going quite bald on his rump and the end of his tail looks as if it belongs on a rat not my baby!!!

He has pretty bad thickening of his skin on his elbows and at the base of his tail. After reading reviews regarding this treatment plan I know already that I'm in for the long haul and will do whatever it takes to get him through this. He is and has been my constant companion and friend for these six years and deserves to be treated as the King he is. So I would like first to tell you how extremely grateful I am for this website and all the love and attention I know you have put into it.

I have a question regarding the flaking he has developed now. On the second morning after the first treatment I was greeted by a dog that was sporting what turned out to be cartoon sized snowflakes of dry skin all over his back and rump area. I was able to remove them with much brushing and no complaints on Kings part. I was wondering if this was normal and will it continue for the duration of his treatment?

My other question is in regard to the thickened skin patches he has developed. Will these go away over time and what should I use to speed their disappearance?

Thank you again for all the knowledge you have shared with us here. You have saved King's life and me a lifetime of feeling guilty. I was losing all hope for finding a cure for him since I had tried everything that I could find and nothing but nothing had even acted like it was going to help. Your website was deemed to be my last search. I had made him suffer for so long and couldn't stand the thought of him being miserable any longer due to my inability to cure him and I have no money for the vet. So I had to find someway to get him help that I could afford. You really deserve so much more than a simple thank you. You saved my best friends life. If ever in anyway I can be of assistance to you please don't hesitate to ask. I am forever in debt to you.

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Leeniemud (Jessieville, Ar) on 05/02/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been using Ted's method for 2 wks along w/nu-stock and ivomectrin shots and my dog Pokie has improved remarkedly well but his skin is very dry. when I bath him I scrub him w/a mit. I saw on the posts the things you can use to help w/dry skin but I don't have any of those on hand and unfortunately no funds at this time to buy them. is there anything you can recommend that I may have around the house that I can use on him to help w/his dry skin problem..thank you!
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