Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

4 star (1) 

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.

Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

4 star (1) 

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.

Rabies Vaccine Reaction, Dogs for Rabies Vaccine Side Effects

4 star (1) 

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.

Shannan (Az) on 11/16/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

My 7th month old lab/border received the rabies vaccine on Wed night. She is still lethargic and won't eat. It's starting to really worry me. She just threw up a little tonight. I don't know what to do.

Krissy (California) on 07/13/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

We have raised Weimaraners all our lives. We have had 3 die of renal failure within 2 weeks of getting rabies vaccines. Our young Weimaraner was induced to play with a thin skinned old man and his tooth, not a bite, nicked his forearm skin. The lying man reported a dog bite and now Animal Control is involved. I won't license or vaccinate my adopted and previously vaccinated dogs because I don't want them having the same fate as 3 of our who have died. Yes, many have not died, but 3 is too many. Especially since canine rabies has been eradicated from the USA. In a pickle and don't know what to do. They demand we license the dogs, doing that means we have to vaccinate. Now, what!
REPLY   1      

Julie (Vegas) on 05/29/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

Death reported 6th days after my snooky got her booster & 3yrs rabies shot & something inserted thru her nostrils. She was 4yrs old under 4lbs shih tzu

Beth (Wooster, Ohio) on 05/11/2015:
0 out of 5 stars

I have a 6 year old lab mix. She received her rabies vaccination on April 23,2015. I have never had any issues with her health until after this shot. Her symptoms did not show until 4 days ago which would have been May 8,2015. She now seems to have lost functioning on the left side of her face and her motor skills are very bad. She seems way off balance and her left ear and left side of her lip does not move. She still seems happy and is eating ok and using the bathroom as usual but I am very concerned maybe she had a stroke or something is very wrong. I have contacted my vet but he ensures me that in his 28 years of practice he has never seen any reaction to a rabies shot as I have described. Please HELP!

Thanks, Beth


Tonya (Northern Michigan, Usa) on 02/01/2014:
0 out of 5 stars

Feb, 2012 I had my hound Roscoe vacinated with a "booster" for his rabies that the county requires. Roscoe was a very healthy, though elderly (12 yrs old) dog. He first showed signs that something was wrong within 2 months when a small rectangular area of his upper back at his shoulders started swelling. I suspected it was a fatty tumor, which my vet said was harmless... within two more months it appeared as 4 small "ball shaped growths on the rectangular area...

By August the original "balls" were the size of golf balls and were producing grape size similar "balls" on top of the original growths... My vet said "when he is uncomfortable enough we can let him go"... within the next two months the growths were tennis ball size and increased his original weight by 10#s... he had also lost his own body weight to where his ribs were starting to show, and his only joy was eating. Walking was hard as the growths were above his shoulder blades, where he had the injection.

December 1st I had already checked with other vets and they said "we can remove the growths" for aprox 830.00usd. I live on SSD and had no way of paying that money. No one takes payments anymore. So I had to say good by to my best friend who was so happy and healthy less than a year ago.

Thank you for letting me tell you about my dear Roscoe, a beautiful Plott Hound, I miss him everyday, and would never have approved his getting that vaccine if I had any idea that this was going to happen. Tonya


Corgi Mum (Colo Spgs) on 10/13/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

I had our 11yr old female Pemb Welsh Corgi vaccinated (rabies)--against my intuition. It was overdue because I was waffling. I had it done because the vet suggested it when taking her in for a sr dog check. A week and a half later, our Corgi was diagnosed with pancreatitis. She was treated and 6 months later, she ended up with end stage kidney disease and an autoimmune blood disease (can't remember the name right now, but her immune system was killing off all her red blood cells). I should have gone with my gut regarding the rabies vac!

Yukidongo (North Carolina) on 07/31/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

My Dad lost his Weimaraner to the Rabies Vaccine, as well. The dog was fine, taken to the vet for the routine Vaccines, and was paralyzed within hours of the shot, starting symptoms before he ever got out of the office! The paralysis is an ascending one and is caused BY the Rabies. It demyelinates the Central Nervous system, taking the myelin sheath off of the nerves. A dog might recover in several months with Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Co Q 10, and some fish oil. These contribute to the rebuilding of the sheath. This paralysis starts in the back ind and progresses forward until the dog is unable to move other than its head. IF the rabies progresses into the brain, the dog will die. The research is out there. Certain breeds, and older dogs do not need multiple rabies vaccines. The bloodwork for titre can be drawn and submitted to some licensing authorities as proof of vaccination. It is true. We are being forced to submit our dogs, our cats, and worse--our children--to unnecessary vaccination. The researchers estimated that the vaccinations for rabies after the first 3 year shot last at least 10 years. I have witnessed the disease first hand as a result of vaccination, and read and heard about it from other people. It is very real and there is research to back it up. My animals stand less chance of coming into contact with a rabid animal than dying from the shot. I made the educated determination that regardless of ordinance, they will receive ONE, and be done. It isn't worth the risk to me.

Christina (Dover, De) on 07/02/2013:
0 out of 5 stars

Went to get my 14 pound, dachshund mix her rabies vaccine today. She is almost 4 years old and this was her 3rd time to receive her shot. It was the Defensor 3 by Pfizer.

Within 15 minutes she was vomiting. They rushed her back to the room and administed a steroid, benadryl, and something to stop the vomiting. By the time they were done administering the shots my dog was laying down, unable to get up. Her eyes were fully dilated, and zoned out; lack of response with her surroundings. Her gums were stark white. Shallow breathing. She lost control of her bowels and pooped on the table twice where she layed. Her temperature also spiked. At this point it was just a waiting game. My husband and I sat next to her and tried comforting her as best we could. She just sat there for about 20 - 30 minutes with her head on the table, concentrating on her breathing. The vet checked her temps, gums, and heart every couple of minutes. After about 30 minutes she was starting to at least perk her ears up when we talked to her, and made eye contact with us again. Then she started to actually lift her head. Gaze around. She was really slow to come around, but I'm assuming it's very exhausting fighting for your life! After about a total of an hour of waiting for my dog to come around she was finally alert, her gums were pink, her temps went back down to normal, and her vet said it was ok to go home but to keep watch over the next 24-48 hours. She was still unable to walk; legs shakey from weakness, so we carried her out. By the time we got home she was able to walk from the car to our front door. I also noticed that she began to start scratching, a lot. Upon closer examination I notice red splotches on her belly, chest, throat, and ears. She had an itchy rash. Called the vet to let them know and they told me to do another dose with childrens benadryl. Did that and she is now back to her normal self for the most part. She is still tired but her rash has deminished.

Her reaction was TERRIFYING for me. Absolutely, emotionally draining and scary. And I have no idea what to do when she is due for her next one. If her reaction was this bad the first time, what will happen with her next shot? Will it be even worse?! I never want to give her another rabies shot again! What's the point of risking my dogs life to protect her from a disease that she only has a. 01% chance of getting! ? For me the risks outweight the benefits TREMENDOUSLY. I am not looking forward to any more shots... :(


Patricia (Powhatan, Va) on 11/19/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My one year old male PBGV received his rabies vaccine on 10/22/2012. 6 days later, he began having epileptic seizures. My three year old, male PBGV had the same reaction 3 days after his rabies shot in 2011 and finally had to put to sleep to ease his misery. I want to report this but don't know where to send it. It was Fort Dodge, SN 1215357A. Three different vets have said the vaccination Did NOT cause it but in my heart, I feel it did.

Kelly (Colorado Springs, Co) on 09/14/2012:
0 out of 5 stars

My chihuahua is 18 months old and got her rabies booster yesterday. Within 2 hours she had vomiting, runny stool, and then her face swelled up to the point her eyes were almost closed. Emergency clinic gave her dexamethasone and diphenhydramine and the swelling subsided. I am watching her today and giving her diphenhydramine every 8 hours. Her reaction was very alarming and I hope this is the extent of the damage, but am very concerned, especially after seeing other testimonials on adverse reactions to rabies shots.
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