Apple Cider Vinegar for Conjunctivitis

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Tatiana (Long Island, Ny) on 05/23/2010:
4 out of 5 stars

I've all read on the wonderous healings of the Organic Apple Cider Vinegar..and decided to get it with the "mother" on IT!!

Biju is a black bombay/burmese stunning mix at just turned 15yrs old. Shiny,clear yellow-green moon eyes & acts truly like a behaviors too uncanny.

His undereye lining inflamed, and thought, his tear duct was blocked. SO I did the application of ACV to scruff of neck, and diluted with water w ACV under eye..well, the inflamed eyelining GONE! However he still continues to tear with one eye when eating & going to litter box to "push out." I also tried Saline Solution & warm compress.. but he still tears a clear lining dwn to nose. Realizing, internally is the way to go, he ONLY drinks water from the Bathroom tub fawcett. How long does the tear last..and how long with the ACV & Saline Sol... ANYone?!?


Rash (Lebanon, Beirut) on 05/18/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

I saw this website and I tried the ACV on my 3 month old kitten, she had in infected eye, probably from some plants outside my garden, so I tried it, and here I am now posting my review after 2 hours, her eye is healed, and you took off the burden of a vet and the expenses, thank you for this info, Long Live ACV !!

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Christine (Kempner, Tx) on 05/05/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Tried your remedy on a 4 week old Kitten. It worked.. after a day he's feeling much better and no goopy booger eyes. He's still sneezing a bit but he's much better. And mommy cat doesn't seem to mind the pickle smell either.. I think she's just glad he's not miserable. We'll keep applying the vinegar (which we diluted 1 part water to 1 part vinegar) until the problem is gone. Will keep you posted. Thanks for the natural remedy :-)

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Sara (Mpls, Mn, Us) on 04/24/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Worked wonders! I used a tbsp of organic ACV and a tbsp of water, mixed and put between her shoulder blades twice daily. After a week her eye is completely healed up.

Perth_girl_cherie (Perth, Western Australia) on 03/16/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) cured my dog's conjunctivitis. I have a four year old dougue de bordeaux who developed conjunctivitis in one eye. Like most others a vet bill looked likely to overwhelm us. I looked at your site, considered the ACV and thought it's six australian dollars what the heck. Now with my dog being almost 65 kilograms I thought the capful recommmended for a little maltese and the like would not suffice. So I administered about half a cup to the back of my dogs neck and rubbed it well in. OK so he smelt like someone had urinated in a pair of old sports shoes, but sure enough with 24 hours, I kid you not, not a sign of conjunctivitis, no discharge, no swelling or redness. Even now two weeks later, no reccurence.

Laura (Atlanta, Georgia) on 03/10/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Dog: Boxer/lab mix (1 year)

Aliment: Pink Eye/conjunctivitis
Cure: 1/2 apple cider vinegar 1/2 water placed at the back of my dog's neck. (Same location where flea preventative is placed).

It works! I must confess that I was still doubtful, even after reading all of the "yea's". I filled a ear syringe with half ACV and half water and proceeded to squirt past his sleek fur along the back of his neck and rubbed it in. Thirty minutes later, it looked a lot better. So, I decided to wait a few hours before using the rest of the mixture.

I woke up this morning and it was gone!

What a life saver!


Mtwist (Sacramento, California) on 02/08/2010:
5 out of 5 stars

Organic apple cider vinager for cat's conjuctivitis

I have to tell you I'm absolutely flabbergasted. I got this information about ACV on friday from a friend.

I immediately went the the health food store after work and purchased organic ACV, Went home and got out a couple of Q-tips, dunked them directly into the ACV and rubbed them on the back of my cat's neck. Within a few hours he looked about 70% better, and by the next day, it was completely gone.


Elbo88 (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 12/19/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

My cat's eye started weeping a bit and then quickly went to eye boogers and her holding it shut. I called for a vet appointment but the next available was Monday, 2 days away so until the appointment, I googled cat eye infection and read about ACV treatment. I happened to have some Organic ACV in the house so decided to try it, just a bit on the nape of her neck and a capfull in her water bowl. The next morning her eye was much better. By the time I got back from work, her eye was almost perfect! No weeping at all, nice and clear, and she was no longer holding it shut. She still was blinking it a bit so I reapplied the ACV to her neck this evening but I am amazed at the results. Her eye improved 90% in one night after a single application!

Kamilee (Brooklyn, Ny) on 12/16/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

ACV for Dog Conjunctivitis

OMG - It really works. My Bichon suffered with eye issues for YEARS. Each vet vist cost nearly $200 for the service plus anitbiotic cream...but the infection would return.

Last night after seeing more of those green eye-boogies with the black crust, I decided to search for a more holistic solution -> EarthClinic lead me to rub a capful of organic ACV to the back of his neck and rub extra virgin coconut oil around his eyes. This morning I was gerated by a bright-eye dog instead of the usual raccoon-masked dog. Thank you EC

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Islandduffer (Yuma, Az) on 12/06/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

I was on this site 2 weeks ago checking out information on Eye Infection in cats. Our 17 year old siamese had an eye infection and I had been using ointment twice a day for 4 days and there was no inprovement. I read about the apple cider vinegar and all the testimonials were very interesting. I went and got a bottle of apple cider vinegar and when I got home I applied a cap full to her neck. Later that evening I applied another capfull to her neck and rubbed it in really well. The next morning at 6:30 her eye was completely open and bright. I was so pleased with the quick success of such a simple fix. I called our sons who also have pets to share the news so if they ever have their pets sick with eye infection to try apple cider vinegar first. Thanks, thanks, thanks. It was nice not to have to spend another $100.00 at the vets.
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