Bladder Infection - Dogs for DMSO + Lugol's Iodine

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Bette With A Pebble ((Nj, Usa)) on 05/10/2023:
5 out of 5 stars

DMSO topically along with Lugol's iodine cured severe UTI with 15 year old dog. Had tried many natural remedies internally including Uva Ursi, Lugol's, oregano oil and even resorted to some strong prescription antibiotics without success. I had read, that here in the USA, the only medically accepted use of DMSO was for Interstitial Cystisis. Had read that most of the DMSO you absorb gets excreted in your urine. I probably put less than a teaspoon of DMSO on her clean lower belly after I had rubbed a dropper full of the Lugol's on it first, using the bottom of a 2 oz. mason jar to apply (DMSO eats through gloves and I didn't want any of that in her body). I did this once daily, when down for the night when I could make sure she was on a clean cotton sheet so as not to absorb anything else in with the DMSO, for about two weeks to be sure, but noticed a great improvement after two days.

I used 99.9% pure low odor DMSO Pharmaceutical grade from Amazon in a glass dropper bottle, brand starts with "Heilt". As a side note, I noticed dark hairs coming in where I applied the solution, where she hadn't had much hair. This remedy does make you want to itch, so you may want to use it as a last resort.

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