Anal Glands, Infected/Swollen Editor's Choice

Silicea 6c for Anal Gland Issues

Deirdre (CT) on 08/11/2020
5 out of 5 stars

My elderly dog started having anal gland issues - leakage and was licking his rear end constantly.  I recently moved to the area and haven't found a vet yet so I researched remedies on Earth Clinic and the net and found a great article about Silicea 6c for Anal Gland leakage. I bought it online and promptly tapped 2 pellets into the side of his mouth to dissolve as soon as I got them. (Didn't touch the pellets). I repeated this twice a day.

His issue was better in 24 hours and solved in 3 days. What a fabulous remedy.


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