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Olive Oil Health Benefits?

Gracie (Nottingham) on 03/10/2024


I've just purchased a bottle of the above oil, and it didn't come cheap! I received it three days ago, and been taking a tablespoonful every morning before breakfast and one last thing at night, so I'm unable to comment on its effectiveness.

The taste is not unpleasant, and mixed with some apple cider vinegar would make an excellent salad dressing. And, of course, it can be poured over or added to other dishes.

The Mediterranean diet is universally acknowledged as being one of the healthiest diets, primarily because of the recommended high levels of fruit, vegetables, fish, and olive oil. Up to the present I've followed a healthy diet, but the virgin olive oil that I've used has come from a local supermarket, however I cannot claim that I'm bursting with health. But that may be due to my advanced years!

The above oil claims numerous health benefits, such as preventing cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, weight loss, to name a few. So my question is, has anyone taken it and derived any benefits? Or have I been persuaded to make an unnecessary purchase through a clever advertising ploy?

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Replied by HisJewel from New York on 03/11/2024

Greetings Gracie Nottingham,

I knew a lady, whose heart was so bad she couldn't even walk up a flight of steps. She was a young woman when she had that condition. She started taking a spoon of olive oil every day. She didn't say what size spoon. She was healed of that condition and lived to be a very active old lady. I would run into her visiting people at hospitals and going shopping alone in her upper senior years, and she had an excellent memory.


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Replied by RB from Somewhere in Europe on 03/11/2024

Gracie, To answer your question, yes I have taken up to 15 tablespoons of extra virgin oil (EVOO), per day, every day in the last 6 months. However, besides the needed calories, I do not think that I have derived any additional health benefit from EVOO.

These days I buy LARD: Advantage #1 is the more reasonable price. Advantage #2 is the lack of trans fats. Advantage #3 is the taste, if it is combined with Himalayan salt.

You are right. Olive oil is well-advertised, so we keep getting persuaded to make many unnecessary purchases through clever advertising ploys.

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Replied by Gracie from UK on 03/14/2024

RB: Thank you for your very interesting comments on Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Olive Oil. Fifteen tablespoonsful of olive oil a day is a lot, and you obviously did not derive any benefits from it. I'd be interested to learn the outcome of your transitioning over to lard, butter, etc. When I was young growing up in the UK, olive oil was not available to the average family, and we were fed beef dripping on toast with a sprinkling of salt, chips cooked in animal fats, and yet many survived to live long fulfilling lives.

It has not been long enough for me to say whether the extra virgin olive oil is successful, but so far I've not noticed even a miniscule amount of improvement. The search will go on!

Best wishes.

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Replied by RD from Somewhere in Europe on 04/06/2024

Gracie, How are you doing? Thank you for your response.

One month has gone by, and today I am positive that I have fully transitioned to lard.

I transitioned to lard shortly after one of my bottles of olive oil from Italy broke in a shopping bag, and after a messy clean-up that was an unpleasant experience.

I transitioned to lard shortly after I switched from Himalayan salt to refined a sea salt from Italy.

My last bottle of olive oil was Villa Chiara, Olio Extra Vergine Di Oliva from Firenze, Italia.

I transitioned to lard because I am not afraid of animal fats, saturated fats and cholesterol.

I enjoy butter and other animal fats, because I believe a high-fat diet is the secret to a healthy life.

I believe saturated fat is wrongly demonized when, actually, saturated fat is good for you.

Further, I believe saturated fat “does not clog the arteries”. Example: My arteries are 99% free of obstruction, after I have been eating at least 10 egg yolks per day, every day, since 2010.

Further, I transitioned to lard, because I believe cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease; in other words, cholesterol levels do not matter, and statins are not necessary at all.

I believe the greatest threat to our hearts and vascular systems comes from sugar -- not from cholesterol or saturated fat and animal fats like lard, meat, fish and cheese.

I transitioned from olive oil to lard, shortly after I found a lard product that tasted better than the previous lard product I tried before.

Sometimes I worry about dietary nitrates. But, in this case, it does not seem to be an issue, as the food label on this lard product says, "Ingredients: pork bacon" as its only ingredient.

Tonight I ate some of this lard with sardines, and it was a fully enjoyable meal. For flavor, I added to it only a few grains of refined sea salt.

I believe -- as opposed to olive oil -- lard, or butter, would be a better choice.

However, it is not easy -- is not it? -- to go against the advice of the WHO, and many other institutions and authority figures... and we somehow get persuaded to make many unnecessary olive oil purchases through clever advertising ploys.

Gracie, my question to you is, what do you think, have you derived any benefit from extra virgin olive oil? And if you are transitioning to lard, butter, or something, then how is that transition going?

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Replied by anthony from london on 04/08/2024

Hi RD,

Why did you transition from himalayan salt to refined sea salt?

Thank you


Replied by RD from Somewhere in Europe on 04/08/2024

Hi Anthony, How are you doing? Thank you for your question. Generally speaking, Himalayan salt is, or appears to be, healthier than any other salt. However, over the last few months I have learned to avoid it, as it gives me a dry eye.