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Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice for a Gallbladder Attack

Jessica (Lehi, Utah) on 05/31/2023
5 out of 5 stars

I woke up tonight with so much pain in my upper abdomen and back. At first I thought I had the stomach flu because all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball, I had the chills, I couldn’t sleep because if the pain. After a couple hours of tossing and turning it occurred to me it was probably a gallbladder attack. I haven’t suffered from gall bladder issues for many years so it wasn’t my first thought but I was pretty sure that’s what was happening and I was willing to try anything you make it stop. I have used organic ACV for gall bladder before and decidedto try it again. I felt like dying anyway so what could it hurt. I poured myself a small cup of apple juice with 2 tablespoons of acv grabbed a warm compress and 10 minutes later the pain is gone! It’s a miracle cure I swear!