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Remedies for a Painful Bartholin Cyst

a sufferer (Florida) on 08/07/2022
5 out of 5 stars

The sitz bath made me feel sick, the pain was awful so I stopped. The ball grew double in size/became hard and couldn't even wear shorts without pain! Could not sit/walk for days!!!

In bed, laying down using Tea Tree Oil (3-4 drops) with Coconut oil (1/2 teaspoon) as a carrier directly on abscess/cyst followed by placing a warm compress/bag of gel (bought at the pharmacy for 2 dollars) wrapped in cloth. Feel relief.

Western Medicine says there is no way to prevent or cannot deal with it really if no infection aside from a warm compress or salt bath. That they just happen again and again. This is no walk in the park! I found a solution. Posting here for anyone looking for alternative medicine answers.

I personally got Neem tea to drink my Kanchanar Guggulu Pills (2x a day).