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Nena (Michigan) on 03/28/2021
5 out of 5 stars

Take cimetidine (Tagamet) 200mg 2tabs twice/day for 3 days to halt a herpes outbreak. It's most effective at the beginning of a flare up but has some effect even later on. This is an OTC med that can be purchased at any Walgreens or Walmart for heartburn but it also boosts the bodies production of interferon. It is not a long term solution. I have used this many times on my own herpes infection (including shingles, herpes simplex type 2) and on my granddaughter's ocular herpes with nerve involvement around the eye and scalp. It works. She was hospitalized at 5 yrs old with ocular herpes and put on morphine for pain, but it was cimetidine that calmed the herpes and she has taken cimetidine (pediatric dose) at the onset of further symptoms for 3 days as described above. She is now 12 and has had no further serious herpes pain/episodes that this couldn't suppress. (I found this remedy while researching chemo treatments several years ago.)
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Replied by Jimi from Ghana on 08/10/2022

I saw your message on Earth clinic regarding the treatment of Herpes. I have ocular herpes and my daughter of 3 years caught it as well. I hope Cimetidine works for us when we use it as she is always in pain.

Replied by JOSEF from IL on 08/11/2022

You may want to try BHT as it will damage and suppress the herpes virus, but you will never completely get rid of the virus as once you have it, you will have it for life. But BHT will suppress it sometimes for a long time. Start with a dosage for the first few days with up to 900 mg and then taper off to about 400 mg. BHT works best when first dissolved in oil as it is only soluble in oil or alcohol, but alcohol is not recommended. This way it is better absorbed in your system. In addition, you may want to use Lysine about 1500 mg/ day as it helps to prevent the spread of the virus. Hope it helps.